[New Publication] International Journal of Legal Discourse Special Issue: Law in Transfer and Translation

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Dec 2017) Special Issue: Law in Transfer and Translation Frontmatter Page i   Introduction Legal translation and interpreting: between old and new theoretical, discursive and professional perspectives Pontrandolfo, Gianluca / Peruzzo, Katia Page 253 Research Articles Interpreting legal arguments. Insights from the first ICC trial Brambilla, Emanuele Page 259 From academia to courtroom: Perception of and […]

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[New publication] The Translator, 23:4. Special Issue: International English and Translation

Link to the website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rtrn20/23/4 Introdution by the editors: Karen Bennett & Rita Queiroz de Barros (2017) International English: its current status and implications for translation, The Translator, 23:4, 363-370, DOI: 10.1080/13556509.2017.1385939 Articles: Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Giovanna Fontana, Laura Maria Fuchs, Lena Meret Stüdeli & Aline Zaugg (2017) Professional translations of non-native English: ‘before and after’ texts from the European Parliament’s […]

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[New publication] Trans – Revista de traductología: volume 21, 2017

Trans – Revista de traductología: volume 21, 2017 (includes a dossier on Versiones del Quijote, edited by Juan Francisco Ferré & Peter Bush) Link to the website: http://www.trans.uma.es/trans_21.html Articles: Teatro y traducción / Por un giro escénico (Theatre and translation. Towards an scenic turn) Manuel F. Vieites Abstract: The enactment of a theatrical performance is a complex creative process that […]

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[New publication] The Semantics of Nouns

The Semantics of Nouns Edited by Zhengdao Ye Oxford University Press Description: This volume brings together the latest research on the semantics of nouns in both familiar and less well-documented languages, including English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, the Papuan language Koromu, the Dravidian language Solega, and Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara from Australia. Chapters offer systematic and detailed analyses of scores of individual nouns across […]

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[CFP] Submission Guidelines [ImagoTrad.hypotheses.org]

The BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) assigned an ISSN to our research carnet ‘ImagoTrad’, that is dedicated to the Imaginaries of Translation (ISSN 2558-4847). So, our carnet is officially recognized as a nonperiodical scientific publication without a permanent Scientific committee. We will be glad to receive your paper submissions (reviews, disclaimer texts, articles, commentaries…)! The articles (in English, French or […]

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[New publication] Bilingualism: Language and Cognition: volume 21, issue 1, 2018

Link to the current issue: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bilingualism-language-and-cognition/latest-issue BANK, R., CRASBORN, O., & VAN HOUT, R. (2018). Bimodal code-mixing: Dutch spoken language elements in NGT discourse. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(1), 104-120. doi:10.1017/S1366728916000936 Abstract: Mouthings, the spoken language elements in sign language discourse, are typically analysed as having a redundant, one-on-one relationship with manual signs, both semantically and temporally. We explore exceptions to this presupposed semantic […]

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[New publication] Translation in African Contexts Postcolonial Texts, Queer Sexuality, and Cosmopolitan Fluency

Translation in African Contexts: Postcolonial Texts, Queer Sexuality, and Cosmopolitan Fluency by Evan Maina Mwangi Author Evan Maina Mwangi explores the intersection of translation, sexuality, and cosmopolitan ethics in African literature. Usually seen as the preserve of literature published by Euro-American metro­politan outlets for Western consumption, cultural translation is also a recurrent theme in postcolonial African texts produced primarily for local circulation […]

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[New Publication] Hermeneus vol. 19

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24197/her.19.2017Published: 14/12/2017 INTRODUCTIONStudents, Teachers and TechnologySylvie Vandaele, 1-17 ARTICLESWhich Verbs for ‘Translate’ Were Used in Middle High German?Miguel Ayerbe Linares, 18-59 Control and value of learning activities: Two Things Everyone Should Know About Translation Students’ MotivationÁlvaro Echeverri, 60-95 Las traducciones checas decimonónicas de Uncle Tom’s Cabin: lo que se ha quedado sin decirEva Kalivodová, 96-120 Un estudio longitudinal de los traductores de la Gran ChinaChristy Fung-Ming […]

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[New Publication] Quality aspects in institutional translation

Quality aspects in institutional translation Tomáš Svoboda   Łucja Biel   Krzysztof Łoboda The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality […]

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[New publication] Target, Volume 29, Issue 3, 2017

Target: 29:3. DOI: 10.1075/target.29.3 Table of Contents Articles Consolidating the professional identity of translators: The role of citizenship behaviors Taeyoung Yoo and Cheol Ja Jeong 361 – 387 A corpus-based study of semantic differences in translation: The case of inchoativity in Dutch Lore Vandevoorde, Els Lefever, Koen Plevoets and Gert De Sutter 388 – 415 How metaphors are rendered in […]

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