[CFP] Translating Translation Theory

Belas Infiéis Brazilian open-access journal from National University of Brasilia (UnB) Accepts articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French Translating Translation Theory Translating, in any instance, involves dealing with the reflective dimension of metatranslation (Hermans, 2014). In this regard, we can perceive the act of translating translation theory as an enhanced metatranslation: theory is present in practice, and practice is […]

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[CFP] Music and/in Translation

Translation Matters publishes two issues per year, a general issue in the Spring and a Special (thematic) Issue in the Autumn. Submissions for the general issues are welcome throughout the year and may be uploaded onto the platform at any time. They will automatically be considered for the next available Spring issue. The Special Issues are subject to Calls for Papers. […]

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[CFP] Edited volume on Translation as a means of resistance, resilience and activism, the case of Palestine and the broader Arab region

Activism and Translation are at the core of recent research.  For example, Shwaikh (2020) published a chapter on Gaza Strip highlighting the importance of speaking a different language in a war-zone country and emphasising the power of witness and of translating the voices of the oppressed.  Mona Baker pioneered the movement of translators’ activism in the Arabic-speaking region through her […]

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[CFP] Special Issue – Sustainability Culture

Values of Sustainability, Climate Change Living, and the Transition into an (Agro)Ecological Society as a Pathway Introduction At the CANR/NCHU [1], we focus on an interdisciplinary study of sustainability culture and what is needed to achieve the ‘Great (Agro)Ecological Transition’ (NCHU/IAC, 2024). In our research, we find that the same core question arises over and time again: how is it […]

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[CFP] Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation

Special Issue of Feminist Translation Studies Abstract deadline 15 May 2024 Manuscript deadline 15 October 2024    Special Issue Editor(s) Şebnem Susam-Saraeva, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK S.Susam-Saraeva@ed.ac.uk Carolyn Shread, Mount Holyoke College, US cshread@mtholyoke.edu Intersections between gender, feminism and environmental issues have been explored in Western scholarship for more than fifty years now, catalyzed by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring […]

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[CFP] The Interpreter and Translator Trainer Special Issue on Recent advances in media accessibility education

Sharon Black, University of East Anglia, UK sharon.black@uea.ac.uk Emília Perez, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia eperez@ukf.sk Recent advances in media accessibility education In recent times media accessibility (MA) has been gaining ground internationally, and is now a necessary requirement and a “proactive principle” (Greco 2016, 21) for the fulfilment of the human right of all citizens to have […]

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[CFP] The Interpreter and Translator Trainer Special Issue on Training signed language interpreters and translators

Special Issue Editor(s) Maya de Wit, Independent Researcher, Netherlands maya@tolkngt.nl Sabine Fries, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, SLI, Germany sabine.fries@haw-landshut.de Irene Strasly, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Geneva, Switzerland irene.strasly@unige.ch Training signed language interpreters and translators Training of signed language interpreters began already in the 1920s in Russia. Nowadays, interpreters in signed languages are generally trained to work […]

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[CFP] a Special Issue on Legal Translation and Automation

Special Issue Editor(s) Gianluca Pontrandolfo, University of Trieste gpontrandolfo@units.it Carla Quinci, University of Padua carla.quinci@unipd.it Legal Translation and Automation Many myths and deep concerns surround neural machine translation (NMT) and the role specialised translators play in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). The scary idea of ‘human parity’, i.e. the belief that NMT can achieve human quality, sparks off heated […]

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[CFP] AWEJ for Translation and Literary Studies (May Issue 2024)

Arab World English Journal for Translation and Literary Studies welcomes the submission of papers for the  May Issue 2024. The guest editor for this issue is Assoc. Professor Rania M Rafik Khalil, Acting Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities at The British University in Egypt. The submission deadline is February, 29.2024. The issue publication date is May Issue 2024. The papers can address but […]

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[CFP] Language Traffic in the City: Translating Urban Space

Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture (Issue 15, 2025) University of Lodz, Poland Co-Editors of the issue: Prof. Sherry Simon, Dr. Krzysztof Majer With this volume, we aim to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion of translation—its nature, processes, and capacities—in the context of urban space and various attendant modes of mobility. As Siri Nergaard reminds us, translation always implies a […]

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