[CFP] a Special Issue on Gender and/in Drama Translation

Translation Studies

Special Issue Editor(s)
Vasiliki Misiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

María Laura Spoturno, Universidad Nacional de La Plata/CONICET, Argentina

Gender and/in Drama Translation

Over the past two decades, drama translation has received considerable attention among theatre scholars and practitioners, translators and translation scholars. Even so, there is still a significant gap in the literature on drama translation from the perspective of gender. Drama and translation have often been instrumental to social change and transformation, articulating forms of resistance and empowerment through innovative discourses and practices. Theatre is a space for dialogue and a channel through which voices, otherwise silenced and marginalised, can be heard. A surge in dramaturgies and theatrical practices exploring and challenging heteronormative gender patterns has no doubt revitalized the field of theatre and theatre studies. Drama attests to the relevance of exploring gender and sexual identities, dissident or otherwise, through the construction of radical forms, complex characters, plotlines, and themes. As transgressive dramaturgy contests long-established roles and mores, it also often challenges aesthetic conventions and traditions in order to subvert the status quo. A natural ally to these innovative theatre discourses and practices is translation. Ever since the “cultural turn” in translation studies, emphasis has been placed on the interrelationship between translation and culture, ideology, power and identity. Translation is not just a vehicle and a powerful tool in the struggle against oppression, but rather a site of contention, which provides the grounds for gender to be placed in the spotlight, encouraging and enhancing the synergy between feminisms, LGTBI+, queer, and translation studies.

Abstracts are invited on any of the topics suggested below but other issues and questions are also very welcome:

Theatre, gender (self) awareness, understanding and equality and/in/through translation;
Feminist, LGTBI+ and queer dramaturgies and/in translation;
Gender, drama (self) (re) translation practices and multimodality;
Drama translation, gender and the translator’s subjectivity;
Gender diversity, translation and the collective character of the performance text;
Dissident sexualities, drama translation and performance;
Gender, (self) censorship and/in drama translation. Strategies, textual practices, channels of communication and reception;
Theatre traditions and conventions, gender and translation; and
Transnational perspectives on theatre practices and/in translation.

Submission Instructions
Articles will be 5,000–8,000 words in length, in English (including notes and references). Detailed style guidelines are available here.

Abstracts of 600-800 words (excluding references) as well as a short biography (max. 100 words) should be sent to the guest editors at vmisiou@enl.auth.gr and lauraspoturno@gmail.com by 15 May 2023.


Submission of abstracts: 15 May 2023

Decisions on abstracts: 15 July 2023

Submission of papers for peer review: 15 December 2023

Submission of final version of papers: 30 May 2024

Publication date: September 2024

Contact information

Vasiliki Misiou (vmisiou@enl.auth.gr), María Laura Spoturno (lauraspoturno@gmail.com)

Translation Studies: Special Issue: Gender and/in Drama Translation