[CFP] Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies

10-12th July 2023 in Poznań, Poland

The Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University is organizing the seventh edition of the Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies conference series on 10-12th July 2023 in Poznań, Poland.

UCCTS conference is a biennial international event launched by Richard Xiao in 2008 to provide an international forum for the exploration of the theoretical and practical issues pertaining to the creation and use of corpora in contrastive and translation/interpreting studies.
Since 2008 UCCTS conference series has taken place, among others, in Louvain-la-Neuve (2018) and Bertinoro (2021). It has always played a key role in advancing contrastive and translation studies by giving scholars of the sister disciplines the opportunity to meet and engage in discussions on research outcomes and ideas on how to effectively apply, enhance and further develop corpus methods to advance both fields.

Keynote speakers
We are pleased to announce that the following speakers have accepted our invitation to give a keynote presentation at the conference:

  • Sandra Halverson, University of Adger in Norway
  • Łucja Biel, University of Warsaw
  • Silvia Gabarro-Lopez, University of Namur

Conference theme: Capturing conceptual complexity with updated theories and enriched corpus designs
In the about thirty-year-long tradition of corpus-based translation/interpreting and contrastive studies, the field has gone through many stages ranging from the initial infatuation with corpus linguistics methodology, through getting stuck at its favourite ‘teddy-bear’ operationalizations (De Stutter & Lefer 2020), to the situation in which the methodological development may be even outpacing or displacing theoretical development (Kotze, Halverson, De Sutter 2022, TT2 roundtable description). It is clear that the field today needs to align ‘fundamental conceptual and theoretical reflection’ (Kotze, Halverson, De Sutter 2022, TT2 roundtable description) with empirical designs reaching far beyond the first approaches designed originally to investigate texts and translations carried out in pen and paper era.
In this context, we would like to view the UCCTS 2023 conference as an opportunity for translation/interpreting and contrastive studies scholars to actively engage in discussions on these urgent issues, whose resolution would help the two sister disciplines to move forward.

Roundtable discussion
To further stimulate the debate, a roundtable discussion will be convened by Silvia Bernardini (University of Bologna) and Stella Neumann (RWTH Aachen University) devoted to enriched corpus-based research designs for the 21st century. On this occasion, a group of invited speakers will focus on possible ways to fully exploit the potential of the corpus approach, toward richer explanations in translation/interpreting and contrastive studies. The roundtable discussion will be organized by the INTERACT network.

We particularly welcome contrastive and translation/interpreting studies proposals using corpus methods and featuring the following:

  • new or remodeled theoretical frameworks relevant to corpus-based contrastive and translation/interpreting studies
  • quantitative approaches in corpus-based contrastive and translation/interpreting studies, in particular with multi-methodological designs and advanced statistical modeling
  • interdisciplinary approaches to translation/interpreting and contrastive studies
  • triangulation: combined use of corpus data and other sources of data
  • register/genre variation
  • constrained language varieties
  • sign language interpreting corpora
  • intermodal, multimodal, and multiple translation/interpreting corpora
  • parallel and comparable corpora in translation/interpreting and foreign language teaching and learning
  • bilingual lexicography and terminology/terminography
  • perspectives on corpus use in the language industry
  • translation/interpreting quality assessment
  • using corpora and technology in remote interpreting
  • non-canonical forms of translation/interpreting and multilingual communication

There will be three categories of presentation:

  • Full paper (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q & A time)
  • Poster presentation
  • Software demo

Abstracts should be between 800 and 1,000 words for oral papers and between 400 and 500 words for posters (please indicate in a footnote whether the submission is for a paper or a poster). Both types of submission should include a list of references (not included in the word count). They should provide a clear outline of the aim of the study, including clearly articulated research question(s), details of the research approach and method(s), and (preliminary) results. Abstracts should be submitted by 30th January 2023. They will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by the end of February 2023.

A selection of papers will be published in an edited volume or in a special issue of a scientific journal.

Language of the conference is English

Important dates

  • Submission deadline for oral and poster sessions: 30th January 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: 28th February 2023
  • Conference: 10-12 July 2023

Conference convenors

  • Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny
  • Agnieszka Chmiel

Organizing committee

  • Marika Adamczyk-Żylińska
  • Iwona Mazur
  • Magdalena Perdek
  • Olga Witczak


Conference website
