[Event] Translation and Multilingualism in the Spanish Philippines

“Translation and Multilingualism in the Spansh Philippines: or What Colonial Literacies Can Teach Us About Race,” w/ Dr. Marlon James Sales

About this Event

Join NYU’s Global Philippine Studies forum for a presentation and Q+A with Dr. Marlon James Sales, Lecture and Postdoctoral Fellow in Critical Translation Studies at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Sales will deliver a talk entitled, “Translation and Multilingualism in the Spanish Philippines: or What Colonial Literacies Can Teach Us About Race,” tracing the use of literary translingualism in Hispanofilipino literature in light of the ever-changing positionality of Spanish in the language politics of the Philippines under Spanish and American colonial rule .

The event will be a 40 minute talk followed by a question and answer session with the audience. You must RSVP on this eventbrite page to receive the Zoom link and password for the event. You do not have to be affiliated with NYU to participate in this event. All are welcome!

This event will be captioned with Zoom’s built-in live captioning function. If you have concerns related to the accessibility of this event, please contact the NYU Global Philippine Studies organizers at globalphilstudiesnyu-admin@nyu.edu.

About Dr. Marlon James Sales:

Dr. Sales is a postdoctoral fellow in Critical Translation Studies at the Department of Comparative Literature of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He also holds a concurrent associate fellowship at the Centre for the Historiography of Linguistics at KU Leuven, Belgium, where he has collaborated for nine months as a research fellow in a database project about the circulation of linguistic knowledge in the early modern period. He is likewise a professional translator and translation scholar, Hispanist, and teacher of Spanish as a foreign language with PhD in Translation Studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and a Master’s in Spanish from Valladolid, Spain. His main research interests include translation history and theory, missionary linguistics and literary multilingualism.

About the Global Philippine Studies Forum at NYU:

Founded by an interdisciplinary committee of graduate students, the Global Philippine Studies Forum is a series of monthly seminars and gatherings geared toward establishing and advancing the research agenda for Philippine Studies at New York University. It provides a space for interdisciplinary discussions centered around the Philippines and the Filipino diaspora, and seeks to understand the legacies of multiple colonialisms through a global lens. The Global Philippine Studies Forum has been made possible through the support of Sulo: the Philippine Studies Initiative at NYU.
