[CFP] 3rd International Conference enTRetextos

The research institute IULMA organizes the 3rd International Conference enTRetextos, which will take place online on 13th and 14th May 2021.

The previous Conferences of enTRetextos have undertaken the analysis of the translation of specialized discourses (Valencia, 2016) and the multidisciplinary quality of the research in specialized discourses, as well as the global vision towards these discourses (Castellón, 2018). In the existing research, great attention has been paid to the three axes that shape the edition of this EnTRetextos Conference: (a) discourse and discursive genres, (b) the study and application of specialized corpus, and (c) specialized translation. These three axes have exhibited a wide evolution in recent years, which has been accelerated by the incorporation of the digital world in current research and in the professions related to professional and specialized discourses. In this sense, this third EnTRetextos Conference aims to combine voices and research that reflect the impact that the digital era has had on the aforementioned areas of research.

This 3rd edition of enTRetextos Conference will therefore focus on the discursive, corpora, and translation genres in professional and academic contexts, focusing on the challenges and opportunities that arise in the context of the digital era. Therefore, the general theme of the Conference will be:

“Discursive genres, corpus, and translation in professional and academic contexts.
Challenges and opportunities in the digital age”

enTRetextos 2021 aims to provide a forum for analysts and users of the specialized discourses (and other related areas, such as those that are ascribed to labels such as “academic discourse” and “professional discourse”), as well as suggest new forms of analysis and share experiences. Entretextos also wishes to raise awareness among graduate students of the interest in the study and application of specialized discourses within the general field of applied modern languages.


We are grateful to the following plenary speakers for agreeing to participate in this 3rd International Conference enTRetextos:

  • Jan Chovanec, Masaryk University.
  • Dorothy Kenny, Dublin City University
  • Mª Ángeles Orts Llopis, University of Murcia.
  • Carmen Sancho Guida, Technical University of Madrid.


In addition, as is customary in the editions of enTRetextos, the Conference will accept contributions that favour the development of modern applied languages in a broad sense. The Organizing committee of enTRetextos 2021 invites and encourages researchers to send proposals for communications, posters, and round tables related to the main theme of this edition and/or that deal with one of the following panels:

  • Languages for professional and academic purposes.
  • Specialized translation: teaching, research, and profession.
  • Discourse analysis: specialized genres, multimodality, discursive communities…
  • New technologies applied to the study of genres, corpus, and specialized translation.
  • Corpus linguistics and its application in professional and academic languages.
  • Teaching professional and academic languages.
  • Terminology and Terminography.

Abstracts for enTRetextos 2021: “Discourse genres, corpus, and translation in professional and academic contexts. Challenges and opportunities in the digital age” will be reopened in December 2020. Languages can be Spanish,  English,  French, or Valencian, with no more than 500 words (including references). Please select the panel you prefer for your paper to be reviewed. To submit your proposal, please click on the following link to upload it:


  • When filling out the abstract submission form in EasyChair, please choose a topic and ONE TYPE of contribution (poster, round table, paper).
  • The deadline for submission is: 28th February 2021
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be 20th March.

No more than two proposals per author will be accepted and the official languages of the conference are Spanish and English.


  • Abstract Submission: Until 28th February 2021 (through EasyChair).
  • Notification of Acceptance20th March 2021.
  • Registration: From 21st March to 31st April
  • Conference: 13 and 14 May 2021


The submission of full papers for the different publications planned (3 Monographs) will be arranged after the conference. All the authors will receive an email once the conference is closed asking for their papers. They will be selected on the basis of both blind-refereeing and their contribution to specific themes of particular interest arising from the conference and to be agreed upon in consultation with the publishers. Further information will be provided in due course.

For more details, please visit: http://techword.dfing.ua.es/Entretextos2020/en/home-page-2/