[New Publication] Fair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation

Fair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation

Special issue of Translation Spaces 9:1 (2020)


Joss Moorkens Dublin City University
Dorothy Kenny Dublin City University
Félix do Carmo University of Surrey


Fair MTTowards ethical, sustainable machine translation
Dorothy KennyJoss Moorkens & Félix do Carmo | pp. 1–11

“A tiny cog in a large machine”Digital Taylorism in the translation industry
Joss Moorkens | pp. 12–34

‘Time is money’ and the value of translation
Félix do Carmo | pp. 35–57

Risks in neural machine translation
Carmen Canfora & Angelika Ottmann | pp. 58–77

Social groups in machine translation post-editing
A SCOT analysis
Akiko Sakamoto & Masaru Yamada | pp. 78–97

Machine translation in the news
A framing analysis of the written press
Lucas Nunes Vieira | pp. 98–122

Machine translation, ethics and the literary translator’s voice
Dorothy Kenny & Marion Winters | pp. 123–149

Machine translation and fair access to information
Mary Nurminen & Maarit Koponen | pp. 150–169


Minako O’Hagan
 (ed). 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology
Reviewed by Christopher D. Mellinger | pp. 170–176