Warwick Prize in Undergraduate Translation 2020 Competition

In 2017, The University of Warwick launched a new translation prize (the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation) to honour the best published translated work by a female author. On the back of this success, in 2018-19, the School of Modern Languages and Cultures and the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick piloted a national translation prize for undergraduate students. This prize was launched at the awards ceremony for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation on November 13th 2018.

The competition aims to encourage students to engage with languages outside the classroom. We would like to show that translation is a fun and creative activity which can be productive at all linguistic levels and grow an interest in translation and intercultural exchange amongst undergraduate students. Click here to read about the 2019 Winners and Runners up.

2020 Competition

How does the Prize Work?

To enter, you will need to complete a translation portfolio. This portfolio will include:
1. Your translation of three set texts from French OR German OR Italian OR Spanish into English
2. A critical reflection in English (300 words) on your translation approach
3. A completed (including signature) entry form

To help you with your translations, the University of Warwick makes available to ALL students the webcasts of three translation workshops on (1) translation and song, (2) translation and theatre, and (3) translation and literature – please check this webpage for details.

The set texts for French, German, Italian, and Hispanic Studies – the four languages taught in academic sections within the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Warwick – were released at noon on Thursday 7 May 2020 and entries can be submitted via email (see below) between 7 May 2020 and 22 June 2020 at 5pmThe deadline on 22 June 2020 at 5pm is final.

Given the unprecedented situation due to the ongoing Covid-19 emergency, entries should be submitted only VIA EMAIL to Dr Mila Milani (m.milani@warwick.ac.uk). Please write in the subject email ‘Warwick Prize in Undergraduate Translation’ followed by FRENCH/GERMAN/ITALIAN/SPANISH (delete as appropriate).

Further information on the conditions of entry can be found here

The entries received will be judged by:

– Prof. Emerita Susan Bassnett, French

– Katy Derbyshire, German

– Prof. Emerita Ann Caesar, Italian

– Prof. Stephen Hart, Spanish

The Warwick Prize in Undergraduate Translation is generously sponsored by the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the British Italian Society.

