[New Publication] FITISPos-International Journal – special issue on Research Methods in Public Service Interpreting and Translation

Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Research Methods in Public Service Interpreting and Translation/Métodos de investigación en TISP

Esther Monzó-Nebot & Melissa Wallace (guest editors)

Content available in English and Spanish/Contenido disponible en inglés y en español

Table of Contents

From the editor

Introduction. Broadening and Further Developing of Research Methods in PSIT
Carmen Valero-Garcés
Introducción. Ampliar y Profundizar en Métodos de Investigación en TISP
Carmen Valero-Garcés

Feature article

Esther Monzó-Nebot, Melissa Wallace


Maria Aguilar Solano
Rachel E. Herring, Elisabet Tiselius
María Lomeña Galiano
Christopher D. Mellinger
Jaana Vuori, Sari Hokkanen


Interview with Vanesa Enríquez Raído, Auckland University, New Zealand
Carmen Valero-Garcés
Entrevista con Vanesa Enríquez Raído, Auckland University, Nueva Zelanda. Traducción por Yosmary Montes
Carmen Valero-Garcés

Book review

Carmen Valero-Garcés, Estefanía Elvira Acosta y Bianca Vitalaru (Eds.) 2019. Tecnología al Servicio de la TISP en Situaciones de Crisis/Technology at the Service of PSIT in Crisis Situations: Experiences and Perspectives
Cristina Álvaro Aranda
Łucja Biel, Jan Engberg, M. Rosario Martín Ruano and Vilelmini Sosoni (Eds.) 2019. Research Methods in Legal Translation and Interpreting. Crossing Methodological Boundaries
Anca Bodzer
Purificación Meseguer Cutillas y Ana María Rojo López (Coords.) 2018. La Profesión del Traductor e Intérprete: Claves Para Dar el Salto al Mundo Laboral
Ingrid Cáceres-Würsig
Leona Van Vaerenbergh y Klaus Schubert (Eds.) 2019. Trans-Kom Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research Volume 12, Issue [1]
M. ª del Mar Maya Martínez
María del Mar Sánchez Ramos. 2020. Documentación Digital y Léxico en la Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos (TISP): Fundamentos Teóricos y Prácticos
Míriam Pérez Carrasco
Carmen Valero-Garcés, Bianca Vitalaru y Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez. 2019. Manual de Introducción a la Traducción e Interpretación en Centros Penitenciarios. Curso Básico.
Mohana Sultan

Research corner: PSIT events, useful tools, projects

Research Corner/Rincón del Investigador

Working papers

Paula Asensi
Maria Belio Bergua
Yana Toropygina

FITISPos International Journal

FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ) is a multilingual and free access online journal hosted by FITISPos-UAH Research Group: Training and research in public services translation and interpreting (Grupo de investigación FITISPos: Formación e Investigación en Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos in Spanish) at the University of Alcalá (Spain). The purpose of this journal is to publish and internationally disseminate high quality and original scientific papers on related research and teaching especially, though not exclusively, to Translation and Interpreting (T&I), Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) and Intercultural Communication.

Following a double-blind peer review process contributions are evaluated regarding various aspects such as innovation, qualitative and quantitative research, linguistic and cultural diversity. It is a yearly journal and published under a CreativeCommons license “Attribution-No Derivative noncommercial”.

This Journal is not responsible for the opinions of the authors in any of the collaborations that are considered personal.    

This journal includes six main sections:

  • From the editor
  • Feature article
  • Interview
  • Book review
  • Research corner: PSIT events, useful tools, projects
  • Working papers

INDEXING: Latindex, BITRA, Dialnet, RETI, MIAR, PKP Index

