[CFP] The 7th International Conference on Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT7): The Human Factor in PSIT
The 7th International Conference on Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT7): The Human Factor in PSIT
The FITISPos Group, committed since its beginning to the challenges posed by cultural diversity, multilingualism, migratory movements and technological advances in the configuration of 21st century societies aim to contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives set by the 2030 Agenda. These are related to the development of egalitarian and inclusive societies.
The 7th International Conference on Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT7), with The Human Factor in PSIT theme, will be held in the context of these premises at the University of Alcalá (Madrid) on the 26th and 27th of March 2020. The main objective of this seventh edition of the conference is to continue with the dialogue and the exchange of projects and experiences on PSIT carried out in previous meetings.
T&I professionals, researchers, educational authorities and public and private institutions, linguistic service providers or anyone interested in making our world more sustainable are invited to participate.