[CFP] Comics in Dialogue
Comics in Dialogue
In recent years, comic studies have experienced a remarkable boost in Spain. This has been motivated by the recognition of their value as cultural artifacts, as means of artistic expression, and as sources of study in their own right. As a consequence, an increasing number of conferences, seminars and courses approaching this medium are being held.
The International Conference Comics in Dialogue / Conversaciones en torno al comics tries to be a space for dialogue in which Spanish and foreign creators occupy a prominent position in round tables, keynote speeches, interviews and tributes. At the same time, it aims at becoming a meeting point for researchers of different areas (literary and cultural studies, comparative literature, art history, communication, translation studies, history, education, gender studies…) working on comic studies.
The Conference is organized around the thematic areas described below. Conference languages are English, French, and Spanish. Deadline for reception of abstracts is 31 Oct. 2019
- A scientific programme with workshops and debates structured around authors and keynote speakers and various topics.
- Line 1 – Languages: abstraction and formal experimentation, visual languages and semiotics, multimedia and transmedial experiments, graphic humour.
- Line 2 – Literature and Adaptation: Comics to literature and literature to comic, literary and artistic movements in comics, literary genres in comics, comics and other forms of storytelling (narrative fiction, historiography, travel narratives, graphic journalism, graphic biography…)
- Line 3 – Translation: Comics translation, professionalization, and the editorial world
- Line 4 – Activisms, feminisms and comics
- A space and exhibition “Coffee-with-Comics” that showcases creative works and academic contributions during cookie breaks
- Comics and Humour: Closing Homage to Francisco Ibáñez
- A public engagement programme, Comics in the City Festival, on the occasion of World Book Day (23 April) the following week
Organising Committee (alphabetical order): Manuel Álvarez Junco, Antonio Ballesteros, Roberto Bartual, Ana Calvo Revilla Esther Claudio Elisa McCausland, Victor Huertas Martín, Lourdes Ilian (Generación X) Sergio García Sánchez Julia Gómez Saez, María González Maestro, Asun López-Varela, José Luis Miras Orozco Juan Antonio Sánchez Jiménez Fernando Ángel Moreno Serrano, María Porras Sánchez, Xiana Sotelo, Jose Manuel Trabado Gerardo Vilches
Scientific Committee: Ana Asión (Universidad de Zaragoza), Eduard Baile (Universitat de Alacant), Julio Gracia (Universidad de Zaragoza), José Antonio Gurpegui (Universidad de Alcalá), Teresa Iribarren (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Diego Matos Álvaro Pons (Universitat de València-Cátedra de Estudios del Cómic), José Rovira (Universitat de Alacant), Francisco Sáez de Adana (Universidad de Alcalá-Instituto Franklin)
Entidades colaboradoras / Collaborating Institutions