[New publication] transLogos: Translation Studies Journal Volume: 2 – Issue: 1

transLogos: Translation Studies Journal Volume: 2 – Issue: 1


Applicability of the ISO 17100:2015 Quality Standard in Designing a Training Program for Future Medical Translators: The Case of Turkey 

by Svetlana KARABIYIK


Affordable health care overseas and the huge development of medical science, practice and technology create a constant demand for competent medical translators, the profile of whom is full of prerequisites. As mistranslation of medical texts can lead to serious clinical or financial consequences, there is no doubt that medical translations which are produced in good quality are in high demand. Moreover, time pressure and budget limits are inevitable concerns for both the healthcare and translation industries due to rapid developments and globalization issues. Therefore, there is demand for competent medical translators who can not only show an excellent usage of languages of medicine and demonstrate strong translation skills while rendering medical texts but also produce good-quality medical translations within set deadline and cost. Hence, the question, how today’s potential medical translators should be trained, needs to be answered. Drawing on such a requirement, the aim of this paper is to explore the applicability of the ISO 17100:2015 Quality Standard in designing a training program for future medical translators with a focus on the competences to be developed.


At the Crossroads of Translation and History-Writing: Büyük İran Tarihi as a Case of Writing History through Translation 



This article explores the relationship between translation and history-writing within the framework of translation studies by analyzing Büyük İran Tarihi (Great history of Iran) translated by Ömer Halis from Persian into Ottoman Turkish in 1926. Questioning whether the distinction between the translation and the original and the distinction between the translator and the history writer were blurred in this case of translation and whether the translator used strategies that reflect his ideology during the translation process, a descriptive analysis of the extratextual elements surrounding the translation and of the textual elements has been conducted. Drawing on the analysis of the extratextual sources and the textual sources with a focus on the translation strategies such as omissions, additions and modifications, it is claimed that Ömer Halis intervenes in the translation in line with his ideological stance and becomes both a visible translator and a history writer who enters into a communication, starts a dialogue and a discussion with the author of the source text, who evaluates and construes the information in the source text from his ideological point of view and who writes a history that serves his ideology. It is further claimed that, the boundary between the translator and the historian and the boundary between translation and history-writing become eliminated in this specific case of translation, which might be considered as a constituent of the ‘history translation repertoire’ of the period in question.


A Conceptual Inquiry: What May Retranslation Offer for Translation Studies Research? 

by Alper Zafer GÜNEŞ


The purpose of this article is to lead a discussion regarding the nature of the retranslation concept. A growing body of literature on the subject attests to some challenges about how to connect various studies around the same concept. Outi Paloposki and Kaisa Koskinen (2010), for one, point out the problematic borders between various practices and underline the relevance of definitional and methodological considerations in retranslation research in their article entitled “Reprocessing Texts: The Fine Line between Retranslating and Revising.” Advocating that retranslation discussions cannot abstain from how translation is approached as a concept in the first place as a further point, the current article refers back to the definitional leg of Translation Studies research. Similar problems were deemed “unproductive” (9) by Theo Hermans (1985) in “Translation Studies and a New Paradigm” in favor of a “goal-directed” approach (14) in the past. It is reiterated here that essentialist positions need to be sidestepped to gain new results with translational practices and theoretical underpinnings of concepts recognized for possible connections between different studies. For a possible progress in research, Gideon Toury’s (1980) working definition for translation has been critically interpreted for retranslation. By proposing “assumed retranslation,” the article believes that the retranslation concept will be operationalized with a focus concentrated on circumstances of retranslation practices and accumulating data sharing the same conceptual terrain will help understand nature, reasons and consequences of retranslation products better.


Interediting: Revealing the Dual Role of Staff Interpreters on Turkish News Channels /



Full-time interpreters serving on TV outlets in Turkey hold two roles: they serve both as editors for the world news desk and as simultaneous interpreters. Drawing on interviews made with editor/interpreters and editors-in-chief and corroborating these with real-life interpreting instances, this paper investigates the relationship between editing and interpreting. It is found that the editing task assumed by interpreters/journalists bears upon the lexical choices made in interpreting on television news channels in Turkey. It is therefore claimed that familiarization with the language of the news helps staff interpreters in making renditions that follow the institutional policies of the outlets they serve, thus informing the interpreting output. Drawing on the term transediting, coined by Karen Stetting (1989) to describe the role of journalists, it is asserted that the role of these editor/interpreters might be described as that of ‘intereditors.’ It is the contention of the paper that interediting might prove useful in describing the TV interpreting of staff interpreters in Turkey.


From the ‘Real’ Author to the ‘Real’ Reader: Manipulation in Translation 



The aim of this article is to examine an edition of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Nutuk (The great speech) from the perspective of translation studies. The research subject is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün Anlatımıyla Çocuklar için Nutuk (The great speech for children with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s narration), intralingually translated by Hakan Atalay (2018). This edition has been selected for examination among many others, because on the copyright page of the edition Atalay has been presented as the ‘author’ of the book and children as its target reader on the cover. In the present article, both claims will be questioned from the perspective of translation studies with an interdisciplinary approach where the narratological framework will be used in the analysis of the book which I consider not only as an example of intralingual translation but also a translation between genres. For this purpose, the present article will take O’Sullivan’s (2003) article as its reference point in which the scholar elaborates the narrative diagram put forward by Chatman (1978) by adding a translational dimension to it. Based on the analysis, the article will conclude with some questions about manipulation in translation with the hope that they will lead the way to new discussions in translation studies.

