[New publication] Kaibao Hu and Xiaoqian Li (2019) Corpus-based Critical Translation Studies: Research Areas and Approaches. Meta: 63 (3)

Corpus-based Critical Translation Studies: Research Areas and Approaches, by Kaibao Hu and Xiaoqian Li

Link: https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/meta/2018-v63-n3-meta04634/1060164ar/

Abstract: This paper discusses the origin, features, research areas, and approaches, as well as the implications, of corpus-based critical translation studies (CCTS), with a view to establishing a theoretical framework. It is argued that CCTS, born of corpus-based translation studies and critical translation studies, will serve to unveil ideological factors behind the translated texts and the process involved. The birth of CCTS has not only revolutionized the methodology of critical translation studies, but has also broadened its scope.


Also in the special issue ‘Traductologie de corpus : 20 ans après’:

Explicitation, Unique Items and the Translation of English Passives in Thai Legal Texts, by Dorothy Kenny et Mali Satthachai


Register, Source Language, and Cognateness Effects on Lexical Choice in Translated Dutch, by Lore Vandevoorde


La collecte de corpus d’interprétation : un défi permanent, by Caterina Falbo


Des enregistrements aux corpus : transcription et extraction de données d’interprétation en milieu médical, by Natacha Niemants


Interpreting into an SOV Language: Memory and the Position of the Verb. A Corpus-Based Comparative Study of Interpreted and Non-mediated Speech, by Camille Collard, Heike Przybyl et Bart Defrancq
Simplified or not Simplified? The Different Guises of Mediated English at the European Parliament, by Adriano Ferraresi, Silvia Bernardini, Maja Miličević Petrović et Marie-Aude Lefer

Abstract: In this article we describe a framework for the corpus-based comparative investigation of interpreting and translation, illustrating it through a study of simplification across different modes of language production and across different language pairs. We rely on EPTIC, a corpus featuring plenary speeches at the European Parliament in their interpreted and translated versions, aligned to each other and to their source texts in English<=>Italian and English<=>French. Aiming to shed light on lexical simplification in different mediation modes, we compare interpretations and translations to each other and to comparable original speeches and their edited written versions. Specifically, we compare lexical features (lexical density, type-token ratio, core vocabulary and list head coverage) in interpreting and translation into English from French and Italian, both in a monolingual comparable perspective and an intermodal perspective. Our results do not unconditionally support the simplification hypothesis: lexical simplification is observed in mediated English, but is found to be greater when the source language is French, and in interpretations rather than translations. We conclude that this feature is contingent on both the mediation mode and the source languages involved, and that the influence of the latter seems to be stronger than that of the former.


Les termes de la crise économique grecque dans les corpus, by Mavina Pantazara et Eleni Tziafa


Assessing the Status of Technical Documents as Textual Materials for Translation Training in Terms of Technical Terms, by Kageura Kyo


Traduction automatique et usage linguistique : une analyse de traductions anglais-français réunies en corpus, by Rudy Loock
Teaching Specialised Translation Through Corpus Linguistics: Translation Quality Assessment and Methodology Evaluation and Enhancement by Experimental Approach, by Natalie Kübler, Alexandra Mestivier et Mojca Pecman

Abstract: In the current context of rapid and constant evolution of global communication and specialised discourses, the need for devising methods for ensuring both high quality levels of specialised translation and successful translation training is becoming a true challenge. Steady renewal in knowledge paradigms leads to an increase in term coinage, modifications in lexical and phraseological patterns, and accommodations in discourse conventions. This situation requires teachers in specialised translation to train future translators to develop the skills meant to help them adapt rapidly to change. The tools brought by corpus linguistics offer access to the language-in-the-making and continuously emerging knowledge fields. However, methods for their efficient exploitation in translation classes can still be improved. In the current study, we present the translation-teaching framework devised specifically for such contexts. It is based on corpus linguistics, terminology management, collaboration with experts, and the quantitative analysis of the quality of finished translations, which can then, in turn, be used to improve the overall framework and to provide research material on specialised translation problems.