[Event] 2nd Hermēneus Colloquium for Translation and Interpreting. Linguistic Mediation and Humanities. Tradition, Innovation and Revolution. Spain, 6-8 May 2020

2nd Hermēneus Colloquium for Translation and Interpreting: Linguistic Mediation and Humanities. Tradition, Innovation and Revolution

Dates: 6-8 May 2020

Venue: University of Valladolid, Soria, Spain

Languages: Spanish, French, English

Deadline for proposal submission: 30 September 2019

Notification of acceptance: 31 October 2019

Speakers: €100 (early bird rate, 31 January 2020), €120 after deadline.
Poster participation: €65, €75 (after deadline)
Attendees: €50 (certificate will be provided)

Link: http://www5.uva.es/hermeneus/?p=2065&lang=en


First Call for Papers:

The editorial committee of Hermēneus journal, together with the renowned research group TRADHUC (Humanities and Cultural Translation), in the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Valladolid (Soria Campus), will organise its Second Hermēneus
Colloquium of Translation and Interpreting. This colloquium proposes reflections on Translation and Humanities, taking into consideration traditional approaches, bearing witness to innovation and without excluding the revolutionary translation processes in which we are already engaged.

Proposals will be evaluated based on their originality, methodology and, particularly the presentation of a new or revolutionary aspect of the thousand-year tradition of translation in the area of Humanities. All aspects of translation and interpreting applied to the study of translation in the Humanities will be welcome, specifically, historical, literary, didactic, professional, sociological, technological, documental, audiovisual approaches, etc.

The following are potential areas of interest, though proposals that fall outside these areas may also be considered:

  • Digital Humanities and translation
  • Recovery and dissemination of translations in the Humanities
  • Adaptation and transcreation of texts in the Humanities
  • Intersemiotic translation in the Humanities
  • Databases, corpora and resources for translation in the Humanities
  • Technology and translation in the Humanities
  • Innovation in teaching translation in the Humanities
  • New methodologies in translation in the Humanities
  • Professional aspects of translation in the Humanities
  • The editing world and translation in the Humanities
  • Audio-visual Humanities and translation

Proposals are invited for presentations and posters by 30 September 2019. Proposals should include the following: a title, a 350-word abstract in the language in which the presentation will be given, five key words and institutional/professional affiliation, along with full contact details.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by 31 October 2019. Submissions are welcome in three languages: Spanish, French and English.

Proposals can be submitted to the following email address: coloquio.hermeneus.trad@uva.es.

Arrangements will be made to publish conference proceedings in an edited volume with a publisher of standing, following a peer review process.


  • Cristina Adrada Rafael, University of Valladolid
  • Juan Miguel Zarandona, University of Valladolid

Organising committee:

  • Rocío Anguiano Pérez, University of Valladolid
  • Verónica Arnáiz Uzquiza, University of Valladolid
  • Lieve Behiels, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Céire Broderick, University College Cork, Ireland
  • Carmen Cuéllar Lázaro, University of Valladolid
  • Tamara Pérez Fernández, University of Valladolid
  • Christophe T. R. Rabiet, University of Valladolid
  • Jaime Sánchez Carnicer, University of Valladolid
  • María Teresa Sánchez Nieto, University of Valladolid

Scientific committee:
Scientific committee of HERMĒNEUS journal

GIR TRADHUC. Traducción Humanística y Cultural (Uva) (Humanities and Cultural Translation, University of Valladolid)