[New publication] Translation and Interpreting Studies 14 (2): Translation and/in Periodical Publications

Translation and Interpreting Studies 14 (2)

Special issue on ‘Translation and/in Periodical Publications’

Link to the special issue: https://benjamins.com/catalog/tis.14.2


An analysis of Varlık in 1933–1946, by Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar

Abstract: This article discusses the relevance of periodical codes, an analytical framework that has been developing in the nascent field of periodical studies, for translation research. It explores how using periodical codes as heuristic tools can be instrumental in shedding light on the role of translation in the making of a magazine’s common habitus in a historical context. It presents a case study on the Turkish literary and cultural magazine Varlık, which began publication in 1933 and is still in existence. It offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis on the position of translation in the magazine, highlighting the way it contributed to the creation of particular forms of internal and external dialogics. Special emphasis is placed on compositional and social codes of Varlık and the way translation has been instrumental in shaping both.


The Russian thick journal as a discursive space of negotiation: Jean-Paul Sartre’s reception in the Soviet Union during the Thaw Era, by Charlotte Bollaert

Abstract: This paper sets out to investigate the crucial role played by Russian “thick journals,” also referred to as literary-artistic and socio-political monthlies, in Jean-Paul Sartre’s Russian reception during the Thaw era. To this end, the positions (Bourdieu 1983) occupied by the four thick monthlies that published Sartre’s work and/or about his work in the USSR during the Thaw are mapped. Considering the position of, and relations between, those journals sheds a different light on Sartre’s reception. It reveals how the thick journals functioned, not only as a medium for introducing Sartre, but also as a space where his reception was actively negotiated.


Language and translation practices of Spanish-language newspapers published in the U.S. borderlands between 1808 and 1930, by Laura Gasca Jiménez, Maira E. Álvarez and Sylvia Fernández

Abstract: This article examines the impact of the anglicizing language policies implemented after the annexation of the U.S. borderlands to the United States on language use by describing the language and translation practices of Spanish-language newspapers published in the U.S. borderlands across different sociohistorical periods from 1808 to 1930. Sixty Hispanic-American newspapers (374 issues) from 1808 to 1980 were selected for analysis. Despite aggressive anglicizing legislation that caused a societal shift of language use from Spanish into English in most borderland states after the annexation, the current study suggests that the newspapers resisted assimilation by adhering to the Spanish language in the creation of original content and in translation.


Translation in nineteenth-century periodicals: Materialities and modalities of communication, by Anne O’Connor

Abstract: This article argues that when considering periodicals as “carriers” of foreign texts, attention must be paid to the modalities of this form of publication, and the manner in which periodicals enable and condition access to texts. The article examines not just the transnational circuits of communication of periodicals, but also the discursive practices, the agency, and the dynamic and distinct modalities of the periodical form. The nineteenth century witnessed an unprecedented expansion of periodical publishing and this article uses the case study of a nineteenth-century periodical, the Dublin University Magazine, in order to question the cultural transfers taking place, the positioning of translations within the publication, the significance of the medium of communication, and the challenges posed when studying translation in periodicals. Drawing on book history approaches, the article focuses on integrating the study of the translations within their publication context, examining how the mutable and ephemeral form of the periodical allowed for expanded textual discourses and also for widened participation in the translation enterprise.


The politics of translation in the press: Siegfried Kracauer and cultural mediation in the periodicals of the Weimar Republic, by Dustin Lovett

Abstract: Translations and translation reviews played a major part in furthering the political program of leftwing periodicals in Weimar Germany. However, this remains a relative blind spot in media studies of the period. By exploring the use of translations and their review for political ends in three major Weimar cultural periodicals and undertaking a specific examination of Siegfried Kracauer’s translation reviews, this article illustrates the ways in which both translations and their reviews were employed, directly and indirectly, as instruments of political polemic and ideological mediation.


Translation in the Kurdish magazine Hawar: The making and legitimization of a cultural identity, by Bilal Çelik

Abstract: This article explores the role of translation in forming and legitimizing a Kurdish cultural identity through diverse renderings in the Kurdish magazine Hawar launched by Celadet Alî Bedirxan between 1932 and 1943 in Damascus. It also sheds light on the tense relationship between Kurdish and Turkish cultures, which also impacted the translational and cultural aspects of the periodical. This relation has relatively improved from the late twentieth century onwards. My argument is that the composition of Hawar as a whole and translations in the periodical aimed to form a Kurdish cultural identity and legitimize it both for the Kurds and worldwide audience in the historical conditions of the 1930s and 1940s. This article will point out the pivotal position of translation in the composition of Hawar and the role played by Celadet Alî Bedirxan as an agent in this undertaking.


Serialized literary translation in Hong Kong Chinese newspapers: A case study of The Chinese Mail (1904–1908), by Bo Li

Abstract: China experienced one of the great “waves of translation” and a boom of Chinese-language newspapers around the turn of the twentieth century. It is not coincidence that many of the translated works were initially serialized in these newspapers. Although translations in these newspapers, especially those in Shanghai, have gained increasing attention, those in Hong Kong have remained largely unexplored. This paper addresses this gap and the specific subgenre that has received scant attention: serialized translated literature. In particular, the paper focuses on the case study of The Chinese Mail, examining spatial and temporal dimensions of newspaper serialization of translated literary works in Hong Kong.