Media School – Registration closes on 1 June 2019
Media School
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International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture
Registration closes on 1 June 2019
Key Dates Registration2019 Programme
The terms audiovisual translation, media translation and translation technologies have acquired and continue to enjoy great visibility in the field of translation studies. This research school will foster an open and wide-ranging take on media translation and digital culture, and the significance of both for and beyond translation studies; encourage cross-fertilization between the disciplinary sub-fields designated by the above terms; and address the new theoretical and methodological tools that translation scholars need in order to understand the strategic and catalyzing role played by translation in relation to a number of issues, including the following:
- Reconfiguring the ecology of networked media – from mainstream news organizations to citizen journalism outlets; from printed written articles to multimodal assemblages; from professional reportage to amateur coverage of conflicts and natural disasters;
- (Re)producing shifting public discourses about cosmopolitanism, gender, nation, expertise, fandom or activism – among other core issues;
- Developing more collaborative, participatory and deliberative processes of community formation, both online and on the ground;
- Enabling disciplinary discourses and developments in the fields of multimodality, media sociology, cultural studies, journalism, globalization studies and critical theories of communication technology.
The International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture is aimed at an international audience and will primarily address the needs of doctoral and early career researchers in translation and interpreting studies, as well as more experienced academics who are new to the discipline or interested in engaging with recent developments in the field. It aims to contribute to realizing one of the priorities of the Jiao Tong Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, namely, advancing the study of translation in the context of digital (audiovisual) media and online spaces.
The School will take place in Jiao Tong University, Shanghai once every two years, starting in July 2019 and rotating thereafter with the ARTIS International Research School.
Conceptual Remit
The International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture will focus on a range of related issues. The list below is meant as an indicative rather than exhaustive survey of such issues and themes:
- Translation, materiality and mediality: print culture, mass media culture, digital media culture;
- Media and globalization: instantaneity, deterritorialization and audience fragmentation;
- Translation of multimodal texts;
- Translation and self-mediation: participation, remediation and bricolage;
- Citizen media and amateur forms of translation;
- Media translation in situations of conflict and natural disasters;
- Social networking: communities and networks;
- Critical approaches to new technologies: questions of ethics, critical approaches to tech usage, how tech is changing conceptions of labour, etc.;
- New contexts of production and consumption in media translation: crowdsourcing and activism.
Syllabus and Organization
The International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture will take place over the period of six days, starting in July 2019, and will consist of five modules:
- Module 1. Theoretical Approaches | 2 x 90-minute sessions (A, B)
- Module 2. Research Methods | 2 x 90-minute sessions (A, B)
- Module 3. Research Design & Dynamics | 2 x 90-minute sessions (A, B)
- Module 4. Featured Theme | 2 x 90-minute sessions (A, B)
- Module 5. Academic Career Development | 2 x 90-minute sessions (A, B)
Each module encompasses three contact hours and approximately six hours of guided reading.
On the sixth and final day, each students will present his or her work to fellow students and staff and receive verbal feedback.
Students will spend their mornings in classes and workshops, while afternoons will be spent in small group tutorials and independent study. Each student will be provided with the opportunity to take part in two tutorials during the week.
Indicative timetable
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
09.00-10.30 | Module 1(A) | Module 2(B) | Module 3(A) | Module 4(B) | Module 5 (A) | Presentations |
Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |
11.00-12.30 | Module 2(A) | Module 1(B) | Module 4(A) | Module 3(B) | Module 5 (B) | Presentations |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |
13.30-15.00 | Tutorials | Tutorials | Tutorials | Tutorials | Tutorials | Presentations |
Admission and Certificates
Academic Director
Professor Luis Pérez-González
Member of AVTD (Audiovisual Translation and Dissemination Committee established by State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and China Alliance of Radio, Film and Television); Member of CCTSS (Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support Network, China’s Ministry of Culture)
Luis Pérez-González is Professor of Translation Studies and Co-director of the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester, UK, and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. He is a Co-investigator on the AHRC-funded project Genealogies of Knowledge: The Evolution and Contestation of Concepts across Time and Space. Former editor of the Interpreter and Translator Trainer, he is also author of Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues (Routledge 2014), editor of the Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation (2017), and co-editor of Rutledge’s Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media book series. His articles have appeared in a wide range of international journals, including The Translator, The Journal of Language and Politics, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Pragmatics and Language and Intercultural Communication. Professor Pérez-González has acted as a consultant for the European Agency for Reconstruction on the development of translation and interpreter training programmes and translation certification mechanisms in Eastern Europe, and for the European Commission on a project on the social impact of translation in multilingual communities.
Core Staff
The School will be staffed by a core group of visiting and local academics. Additional tutors will be involved on a one-off basis on different years, as required by the relevant featured theme. Not all members of the core group will necessarily be involved in each session of the School.
Professor Mona Baker
Mona Baker is Director of the Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies and Professor Emerita of Translation Studies at the University of Manchester, UK. She is Principal Investigator on the AHRC-funded project Genealogies of Knowledge: The Evolution and Contestation of Concepts across Time and Space, and co-editor, with Luis Pérez-González and Bolette Blaagaard, of the Routledge series Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media. She is author of In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (Routledge, 1992; second edition 2011) and Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account (Routledge, 2006), Editor of Translating Dissent: Voices from and with the Egyptian Revolution (Routledge, 2016), Citizen Media and Public Spaces: Diverse Expressions of Citizenship and Dissent (co-edited with Bolette Blaagaard), the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (1998, 2001; second edition, co-edited with Gabriela Saldanha, 2009); Critical Concepts: Translation Studies (4 volumes, Routledge, 2009); and Critical Readings in Translation Studies (Routledge, 2010). Her articles have appeared in a wide range of international journals, including Social Movement Studies, Critical Studies on Terrorism, The Translator and Target. She is founding Editor of The Translator (St. Jerome Publishing, 1995-2013), former Editorial Director of St. Jerome Publishing (1995-2013), and founding Vice-President of IATIS, the International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies (2004-2015). She posts on translation, citizen media and Palestine on her personal website,, and tweets at @MonaBaker11.
Dr Jonathan Evans
Jonathan Evans is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Portsmouth, UK. He is the author of The Many Voices of Lydia Davis (EUP, 2016) and co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics (2018). His research focuses on creative uses of translation in literature, film and media, with a particular interest in the effects of shifts in media consumption and the role of translation in community building. His work has been published in international journals such as Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance,Translation Studies, TTR, Journal of Specialised Translation and Translation and Literature.
Dr Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester’s Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Having recently completed his PhD research focusing on translation in the context of Wikipedia, he is now working as part of a multi-disciplinary team on the Genealogies of Knowledge project, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. His interests include corpus-based translation studies, media theory and online translation communities. He currently teaches a course on translation and media culture.
Dr Kyung-Hye Kim
Dr Kyung Hye Kim is Lecturer in Translation Studies at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a member of the Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. She holds a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the University of Manchester. Her academic interests lie in corpus-based translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and the application of narrative theory to translation and interpreting. Her publications include ‘Examining US News Media Discourses about North Korea’ (Discourse and Society 2014), ‘Renarrating the Victims of WWII through Translation: So Far from the Bamboo Grove and Yoko Iyagi’ (Target 2017), and ‘Newsweek Discourses on China and their Korean Translations: A Corpus-based Approach’ (Discourse, Context and Media 2017).