[Event] Technology and Media in Translation & Interpreting (T&I) – Current Trends, Issues & Challenges, Universiti Sains Malaysia 17-19 October 2018

International Seminar on Translation and Interpreting (ISTrI) 2018


Welcome to the International Seminar on Translation and Interpreting 2018 website. This seminar is organised by The  Translation and Interpreting Research Unit (UniTI), Universiti Sains Malaysia,  and The Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, and will be held from 17th until 19th October 2018 in Penang. The main theme of the seminar is “Technology and Media in Translation & Interpreting (T&I) – Current Trends, Issues & Challenges”.

The organizing committee welcomes presentations on all aspects of technology in Translation and Interpreting (T&I). Areas of interest include, but are NOT limited to, the following topics:

  1.  Use of Technology & Media in T&I;
  2.  Audiovisual Translation;
  3.  Crowdsourcing in Translation;
  4.  Localization, Internationalization & Globalization;
  5.  Language, Media & Society;
  6.  Language & Cultural Issues;
  7.  Teaching and Learning of T&I in a Digital Age;
  8.  Current Trends, Problems and Prospects in T&I Education and Training.

This seminar is open to all academicians, translation scholars and students of Translation Studies, professionals and members of the public, both local and international.

More information is available at: http://www.istri2018.usm.my/ .