[CFP] Fun for All V: International Conference on Video Game Translation and Accessibility

Fun for All V: International Conference on Video Game Translation and Accessibility

7th and 8th June 2018
TransMedia Catalonia Research Group


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Venue: Residencia d’Investigadors, in Barcelona

The video game industry has become a worldwide phenomenon, generating millions in revenue every year. Video games are increasingly becoming more elaborate and sophisticated, with advanced graphics and intricate story lines, and developers and publishers need to reach the widest possible audience in order to maximise their return on investment. Translating games into other languages and designing games that can be played for a wide spectrum of players, regardless of their (dis)ability, are two obvious ways to contribute to increasing the audience for the game industry. In addition, games are increasingly being used for “serious” purposes beyond entertainment, such as education, and such games should also be designed inclusively, to facilitate access to them by all types of players.

Research on game translation and localization and accessibility has been gaining momentum in recent years. In particular, and the number of studies analysing game translation and localisation from different perspectives has increased dramatically, while game accessibility remains a relatively unexplored topic. The Fun for All: 5th International Conference on Game Translation and Accessibility – Current Trends and Future Developments  aims to bring together professionals, scholars, practitioners and other interested parties to explore game localisation and accessibility in theory and practice, to discuss the linguistic and cultural dimensions of game localisation, to investigate the relevance and application of translation theory for this very specific and rapidly expanding translational genre, and to analyse the challenges game accessibility poses to the industry and how to overcome them.

The successful previous editions of the Fun for All: International Conference on Translation and Accessibility in Video Games, held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 have become a meeting point for academic and professionals working in the game industry and the game localisation industry, as well as students and translators interested in this field

The fifth edition of the Fun for All Conference aims to continue fostering the interdisciplinary debate in these fields, to consolidate them as academic areas of research and to contribute to the development of best practices.

Call for papers

The Fun for All: 5th International Conference on Game Translation and Accessibility – Current Trends and Future Developments will cover the following topics. Proposals about related topics are also welcome: 

The conference will cover the following topics. Proposals about related topics are also welcome:

  • Game localisation process
  • Standardisation and quality issues
  • The game localisation industry today
  • The future of the localisation industry
  • Development and use of specialised tools
  • Cultural adaptation in games
  • Creativity in games
  • Transcreation
  • Humour in games
  • Dubbing and subtitling for games
  • Localization of online, mobile phone and tablet games, social games
  • Localization of indie games
  • Localization of serious games
  • Video game fan translation
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Video games and Translation Studies
  • Game localization best practices
  • The language of gaming
  • Game accessibility best practices
  • Design for all
  • Educational game design