Summerschool 2017: Translation in History – History in Translation
University of Vienna Summer PhD Session in Translation Studies:
Translation in History – History in Translation
Date: 13th – 20th September 2017
Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna
in collaboration with the EST ID-TS doctoral program
LAUNCH of the EST ID-TS doctoral program on September 19th, 2017; 6 PM.
The 2017 Summer Session welcomes PhD students who are working on aspects of historiography of translation or whose thesis include the dimension translation history as a (key) element. In our classes, we will look into the past and collaboratively explore translation phenomena from an empirical, descriptive, de/constructivist … angle and choose literary/philological, linguistic, sociological, political, economic … approaches in an inter- or transdisciplinary manner.
We will work with scholars of translation history and experts from other relevant disciplines. Our particular focus will be on methodology and research strategies. First up, here’s a list of topics we will be covering:
- Circulation of texts
- Transculturality
- Traveling/translated concepts
- Continuation
- Research, data bases, conventional and digital
- Translator Studies and other actors
- Networks
- Biography studies
- Prosopography
- Historiography
- How to write translation history
- Dramaturgy
- Chances and limits of objectivity
- Study of sources
- Source critique
- Book studies, publishing/editing research
- Digital sources as a challenge
- Conditions for translating
- Reasons for translating
- Constellations and motivations
- Types of actions
- Power relations and accumulation of capital
- Typologies
- Can we categorize phenomena of translation?
- If yes, according to what criteria?
After exploring these theories, we will apply them to concrete cases. In a collaborative manner and guided by expert advice, we will find out what works best and why. Within this setting, the parcitpants will also have the opportunity to put their own work up for debate.
No hesitation – also still lesser advanced research can be put to the test in class.