[New publication] Communities in Translation and Interpreting

As fundamentally social activities, translation and interpreting necessarily engage with the notion of community. Translators and interpreters ensure communication between different linguistic communities, work themselves within professional communities, interact with other communities of agents in the translation or interpretation process, and reach out to diverse communities of readers. Using concepts such as voice and translatorial action, nexus analysis, or Action Research, the groundbreaking essays in this volume show how analysing these community dimensions can shed fresh light on the practice of translation and interpretation. Articles examine relationships between translators and other communities during translation work, study cohesion or conflict within communities of translators, interpreters or translation scholars, and explore cooperation with communities of librarians and teachers of literature.
Sous la direction de / Edited by: Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, Liisa Tiittula and Maarit Koponen
Publication Edition: 1st
Subject(s): Traductology
Supporting Material: Click here to download PDF
Supervisor: Director of the collection: Agnès Whitfield
Website: More information…
Volume #: 9