Visiting Scholars
The Visiting Scholar Programme is intended to facilitate the pursuit of research and nurture opportunities for collaboration between visiting faculty members and scholars based at Shanghai International Studies University. To this end, the Centre offers limited subsidies to assist with accommodation costs, provides shared office space, and allows visitors access to seminars and university facilities.
Visiting scholars are expected to present a limited number of seminars or public lectures, depending on the duration of their stay, but are not required to teach. Publications arising from their research stay at Shanghai International Studies University and listing the Baker Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, Shanghai International Studies University as affiliation will be eligible for separate awards.
Normally a minimum of one semester full-time, and a maximum of one year full-time.
Assessment Criteria
The Centre will review all applications and select a number of candidates each year, based on the strength of applications and the Centre’s own budgetary restrictions. All candidates must meet the following requirements to be considered:
- Candidates should have received their PhD at least five years prior to applying — the programme is not intended as a substitute for postdoctoral opportunities offered by Shanghai International Studies University.
- They must be affiliated to a university or research institution.
- There are no restrictions on the nationality of candidates or the geographical location of the institution to which they are attached.
- Candidates must provide evidence of active engagement with research in the field of translation, interpreting and/or intercultural studies.
The Visiting Scholar Programme is intended to support personal research, and does not lead to a degree or any other qualification.
How to Apply
Applications should be submitted to Dr Geng Qiang, Associate Director of the Baker Centre (email:, at least four months ahead of the proposed start date of the visit. They must be accompanied by a CV that demonstrates active engagement in relevant research.