Peer College

Applications received for the Martha Cheung Award are assessed by members of a Peer College drawn from a variety of geographical and disciplinary backgrounds, to provide relevant expertise on as many areas of translation and interpreting studies as possible. The Award Committee may also draw on the expertise of other colleagues in the field as and when necessary.


Dr Abdul Gabbar Al-Sharafi

Associate Professor of Translation Studies, Department of English Language and Literature, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Expertise: Translation theory, discourse analysis, rhetoric

Abdul Gabbar Al-Sharafi is associate professor of translation studies at the Department of English Language and Literature at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. He is currently the coordinator of the Dip/MA in Translation in which he also teaches several courses. His book Textual Metonymy: A semiotic approach was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2004. He has published articles on translation and the war in Yemen, translation quality assessment, translation norms and translation pedagogy and translation in times of crisis and risk. His most recent article is Ethos in COVID-19 crisis communication: evidence from Oman, published in Journal of Risk Research (2023), and the use of war metaphor in Omani officials’ COVID-19 risk communication, published in Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (2023). He is a member of IATIS and other translation professional organizations. He is a member of the editorial board of the Interpreting and Society Journal. He is a reviewer for Translation Spaces, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT), Multilingua, The Translator, Metaphor and the Social World and Cogent Arts and Humanities.


Dr Kathryn Batchelor

Associate Professor of Translation and Francophone Studies, University of Nottingham, UK

Expertise: Translation theory, translation in or involving Africa, literary translation, postcolonial studies

Kathryn Batchelor is Professor of Translation Studies and Director of the Centre for Translation Studies at UCL, UK. She is the author of Translation and Paratexts (2018) and Decolonizing Translation (2009/2014), and has co-edited six volumes of essays, including Intimate Enemies: Translation in Francophone Contexts (2013, with Claire Bisdorff), Translating Frantz Fanon across Continents and Languages (2017, with Sue-Ann Harding), and Translation, Trouvailles (2023, with Chantal Wright). Kathryn’s primary research interests lie in translation theory, postcolonial translation, translation history, and translation philosophy.


Professor Morven Beaton-Thome

Professor of the Theory and Practice of Interpreting (English), Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK), TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany

Expertise: Conference interpreting, Critical Discourse Analysis, Interpreting Studies

Morven Beaton-Thome is Professor of the Theory and Practice of Interpreting (English) at the Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK) at TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany. Prior to her appointment in 2013, she held tenured academic positions at the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies (CTIS), University of Manchester, UK, and Saarland University, Germany. Her research focuses on (1) interpreter agency and ideological positioning in institutional settings, and the impact of interpreters as gatekeepers of multilingual discourse; (2) negotiation and construction of the Self/Other dichotomy and the positioning of language(s) and interpreters in discourse, particularly in contexts of nationalism and immigration; (3) research in interpreting pedagogy and didactics, specifically related to the development of situated expertise and communities of practice. Methodologically, she is particularly interested in descriptive and ethnographic research as a means of conceptualizing participant and interpreter response to heteroglossic debate. She has published in peer-reviewed journals such as The Translator and Journal of Language and Politics and has contributed to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting.


Professor Lynne Bowker

Full Professor and Canada Research Chair, Département de langues, linguistique et traduction, Université Laval, Canada

Expertise: translation technologies, corpus linguistics, terminology and language for special purposes, lexicography, scientific and technical translation

Lynne Bowker is Full Professor and Canada Research Chair in Translation, Technologies, and Society at Université Laval in Canada. She earned an MA in Translation (University of Ottawa) and a PhD in Language Engineering (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK). In 2020, she was elected to the Royal Society of Canada. Her research focuses on various aspects of computer-aided and machine translation, as well as language for special purposes. She is the author of Computer-Aided Translation Technology (University of Ottawa Press, 2002), co-author of Working with Specialized Language: A Practical Guide to Using Corpora (Routledge, 2002), co-author of Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community (Emerald Publishing 2019), and author of De-mystifying Translation: Introducing Translation to Non-translators (Routledge, 2023). She is a member of the editorial board of several journals, including The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, the International Journal of Lexicography, and the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology.


Dr Phrae Chittiphalangsri

Associate Professor of Translation Studies and Comparative Literature, Chalermprakiat Center of Translation and Interpretation, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Expertise: Orientalism, translation and postcolonialism, history of translation, literary translation, Bourdieu’s approach to sociology and translation, Thai and Southeast Asian translation studies

Phrae Chittiphalangsri is Associate Professor at Chalermprakiat Center for Translation and Interpretation (CCTI), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, and acts as the center’s chairperson for the MA program in translation studies. She was co-editor of New Voices in Translation Studies (2008-2012), and now serves on the journal’s advisory board. In 2021, she became co-vice president of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS). Phrae Chittiphalangsri has published articles on the role of translation in Orientalism and Thai translation history in several international journals such as Translation Studies, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies and The Translator. Her article on the translation of early Thai prose fiction appears in Translation and Global Asia: Relocation Cultural Production Network (2014). She is also a contributor of entries on Orientalism in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (third edition), and on the Thai translation tradition in A World Atlas of Translation (2019). With Vicente L. Rafael, she co-edited the first monograph on Southeast Asian translation Of Peninsulas and Archipelagos: the landscape of translation in Southeast Asia (2023). She is also a literary translator working with Thai, English and French.


Professor Dirk Delabastita 

Professor of English Literature and Literary Theory, University of Namur, and Research Fellow at KU Leuven

Expertise: Literary translation, translation and multilingualism, translation theory, journal editorship, English literature, literary theory, humour studies

Dirk Delabastita teaches English literature and literary theory at the University of Namur and is a research fellow at KU Leuven. His publications engage with fields such as literary translation studies, wordplay studies and the international reception of Shakespeare’s works. He is now increasingly focusing his research on literary multilingualism, with papers on ’Allo ’Allo, Bram Stoker, Charlotte Brontë, Joyce Carol Oates and Xiaolu Guo. Dirk has co-authored three dictionaries of literary terms, including Dictionnaire des termes littéraires (2005) in French and the open-access project Algemeen Letterkundig Lexicon in Dutch. His books include There’s a Double Tongue. An Investigation into the Translation of Shakespeare’s Wordplay, with special reference to ‘Hamlet’ (1993), European Shakespeares (co-edited with Lieven D’hulst, 1993), Fictionalizing Translation and Multilingualism (co-edited with Rainier Grutman, 2005), Shakespeare and European Politics (co-edited with Jozef de Vos and Paul Franssen, 2008), Multilingualism in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (co-edited with Ton Hoenselaars, 2015), and “Romeo and Juliet” in European Culture (co-edited with Juan F. Cerdá and Keith Gregor, 2017). From 2012 to 2019 Dirk co-edited Target. International Journal of Translation Studies.


Dr Sameh Hanna 

Associate Professor in Arabic Literature and Translation, University of Leeds, UK

Expertise: Bible translation; history of translation (with particular reference to the Arab World); Bourdieusean applications; literary translation

Sameh Hanna is currently a Global Translation Advisor and Translation Studies Researcher with United Bible Societies. After earning his PhD from University of Manchester, UK, he got an Andrew Mellon postdoctoral fellowship in the Humanities at University College London, followed by two lectureships at the Universities of Salford and Leeds. At Leeds he worked as an associate professor in Arabic Literature and Translation Studies and served as the director of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies before joining UBS. His main research is within the area of sociology of translation, with focus on the socio-cultural dynamics of the translation and reception of canonical texts (including Shakespeare’s work and the Bible) in Arab-Islamic settings on which he published several peer-reviewed articles. His book, Bourdieu in Translation Studies: The Sociocultural Dynamics of Shakespeare Translation in Egypt (2016), published by Routledge, offers a full-length investigation of the implications of Bourdieu’s sociology of cultural production for the study of Drama translation. He is also the co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation(2019). Dr Hanna is a founding member of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies and served as an associate editor of the peer review journal Target and is currently on the editorial boards of the two peer-reviewed journals, Target and Translation in Society.


Professor Moira Inghilleri  

Associate Professor and Director of Translation and Interpreting Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Expertise: Translation and migration, translation ethics, interpreting in war zones, the sociology of translation and interpreting

Moira Inghilleri is the author of Translation and Migration (Routledge 2017) and Interpreting Justice: Ethics, Politics and Language (Routledge 2012). She guest-edited two special issues of The Translator: Bourdieu and the Sociology of Translation and Interpreting (2005) and Translation and Violent Conflict (2010, co-edited with Sue-Ann Harding). Her research has appeared in Translation Studies, The Translator, Target, Language and Communication, Linguistica Antverpiensia and numerous edited collections, including the Routledge Handbook on Translation and Culture (2018), Routledge Handbook on Translation and Politics (2018) and Handbook on Languages at War (Palgrave MacMillan 2018). Between 2002-2007, while at Goldsmiths, University of London, she held a series of research grants funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to investigate the role of interpreters in political asylum cases in the UK. From 2008 to 2011, based at University College London, she was awarded an ESRC Career Fellowship to investigate the topic of the social, political and ethical role of the translator and translation in conflict zones. She served as review editor (2006-2011) and co-editor (2011-2014) of The Translator and is currently series co-editor for the Routledge book series, New Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting Studies.


Dr Chengzhi Jiang

Associate Professor, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Wuhan University, China

Expertise: Translation in the museum, semiotics, pragmatics, poetry translation, linguistics, traditional Chinese art critical concepts

Chengzhi Jiang received his doctorate from City University of Hong Kong and is now an associate professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting, Wuhan University. His research interests lie in intersemiotic translation, poetry translation and translation in the Chinese museum and heritage context. His publications include ‘Conceptualizing Pushing-hands in Translation Studies: From a Heideggerian Perspective’ (in Pushing-Hands of Translation and Its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013, 2016), ‘Visual Pragmatic Effects of Distance Representation in Bilingual Museum Catalogue Entries of Chinese Landscape Paintings’ (Journal of Pragmatics 2012), ‘Rethinking the Translator’s Voice’ (Neohelicon 2012), ‘Quality Assessment for the Translation of Museum Texts: Application of a Systemic Functional Model’ (Perspectives 2010).


Professor Jan-Louis Kruger

Head of Department and Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia

Expertise: Psycholinguistics, reception, cognition, audiovisual translation (with particular emphasis on assistive modalities), eye-tracking technology

Jan-Louis Kruger is Professor of Translation Studies in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He is also extraordinary professor in the UPSET Research Focus Area on the Vaal Triangle Campus of North-West University in South Africa. He holds a PhD in English on the translation of narrative point of view. He has been involved in the teaching of and research into audiovisual translation since the late 1990s and has completed projects on subtitler training, subtitling and multilingualism, subtitling in the classroom, subtitle reading and subtitling and immersion. He has also done work on AD, which ties in with his interest in narrative theory. His current research investigates multimodal language integration such as in the reading of subtitles, and the use of same language subtitles in literacy development. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Audiovisual Translation (JAT)


Professor Jieun Lee

Professor, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Expertise: Legal interpreting, community interpreting, translator and interpreter training, intercultural communication

Jieun Lee is Professor at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, and is currently the vice dean of the graduate school. She received her PhD in Linguistics from Macquarie University in Sydney, and taught there before joining Ewha Womans University in 2010. Her research interests include legal interpreting, community interpreting, interpreter and translator training, and discourse analysis. Her research work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Interpreting, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Applied Linguistics, Multilingua, Perspectives, MetaInternational Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, and Police Practice and Research.



Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta

Researcher at the Department of Arts and Humanities, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Expertise: Literary translation, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, literary reception, indirect translation, digital publishing, research methodologies.

Maialen Marin-Lacarta is Researcher in the Department of Arts and Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona). Prior to joining UOC, she was Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, teaching courses on translation, Chinese literature, intercultural studies, digital publishing and the global circulation of literatures, and supervising Honours Projects, MA students and PhD students. In 2019, Marin-Lacarta received the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance as Young Researcher at HKBU. She is also the awardee of the Jokin Zaitegi Basque National Award for her translation of Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan’s work into Basque, and the recipient of two General Research Fund grants by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (as Principal Investigator) and two Spanish government-funded grants (as Co-Investigator). Marin-Lacarta is interested in the complex position of Chinese and Sinophone literatures in the global literary system. Her research has focused on translation history, indirect translation and, more recently, on ethnographic approaches to study ebook publishing. Her articles have appeared in journals such as Translation Studies, The Translator, Meta, and Perspectives. She is also the author of the entry on research methodologies in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2019, Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha eds.). She has been academic referee for Target, Translation Studies and Meta, among other journals, and is the co-editor of 1611: A Journal of Translation History.


Professor Outi Paloposki

Professor of English, School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku, Finland

Expertise: Translation history, retranslation, methodology of historical translation studies, archival studies

Outi Paloposki is Professor of English (Translation Studies) at the University of Turku. She was one of the editors of the two-volume History of Literary Translation into Finnish (Suomennoskirjallisuuden historia I–II), published by the Finnish Literature Society in 2007, and of its companion volume, History of Non-fiction Translation into Finnish (Suomennetun tietokirjallisuuden historia, 2013). Methodology in translation studies, especially historical studies, is one of her teaching priorities. Outi Paloposki has given a number of keynote lectures in national and international conferences and published widely in several translation studies journals. She is member of the board of the Doctoral and Teacher-Training Translation Studies Summer School (DOTTSS) and of the international History and Translation Network. She regularly serves as referee for national and international publications.
Website and full bibliography:


Dr Susan Pickford

Assistant Professor of Translation Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Expertise: Translating travel writing, translation and book history, translator sociology and history

Susan Pickford is Assistant Professor of Translation Studies and head of the English unit at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Geneva. Her publications include Travel Narratives in Translation, 1750-1830: Nationalism, Ideology, Gender (Routledge 2012) and a special issue of the journal InTRALinea on translating travel writing, both co-edited with Alison E. Martin. She has written numerous articles on translation history and sociology and contributed to several major translation studies reference works, including two volumes of the Histoire des traductions en langue française, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, the History of Translation Knowledge, the Routledge Handbook of Translation History, and the Routledge Handbook of the Translation Industry. Her monograph Professional Translators in Nineteenth-Century France is forthcoming in 2024, alongside an edited volume of essays on science translation in the long nineteenth century. She is also a practicing translator in the arts and humanities and was elected to the board of the French literary translators’ association for ten years.


Professor Nike K. Pokorn

Professor in Translation Studies at the Department of Translation, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Expertise: Directionality and pedagogical issues, historical research, post-socialist translation practices, translation theories and philosophies, public service interpreting

Nike K. Pokorn is Professor in Translation Studies at the Department of Translation, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she currently serves as the Director of Doctoral Studies in TS. Her research interests include translation and censorship, directionality in translation and public-service interpreting and translation. She was a member of the 8-member European Master’s in Translation (EMT) Expert Group appointed by the Directorate General for Translation at the European Commission that was responsible for setting up the EMT network and creating the EMT competences document. She won the European Society for Translation Studies Award for her doctoral thesis, and served two terms on the board of EST – European Society for Translation Studies, and two terms on the board of EMT – European Master’s in Translation Network. In 2017 she was elected director of the board of the Network of International Doctorate in Translation Studies ID-TS. She has published articles in different TS journals such as Target, The Translator, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Across Languages and Cultures and Perspectives, and is the author of Challenging the Traditional Axioms: Translation into a Non-Mother Tongue (John Benjamins 2005) and Post-Socialist Translation Practices (John Benjamins 2012). She is also co-editor of Why Translation Studies Matters, with Daniel Gile and Gyde Hansen (John Benjamins 2010).


Professor Hanna Risku

Professor of Translation Studies, University of Vienna, Austria

Expertise: Socio-cognitive translation studies, embodied cognition, organizational learning, workplace ethnography

Hanna Risku is Professor of Translation Studies and head of the Research Group Socio-Cognitive Translation Studies (socotrans) at the University of Vienna in Austria. Prior to her work in Vienna, she was Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Graz, and Professor of Applied Cognitive Science and Technical Communication, Vice Rector and Head of Department at the Danube University Krems in Austria. In the course of her career, she has also lectured at various universities in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Spain. In 2023, she was CETRA Chair professor at KU Leuven and DOTTSS Guest professor at Tampere University. She is a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Her main areas of interest are translation and situated cognition, translation and network analysis, ethnographic studies in translation workplaces, usability and information design.


Dr Gabriela Saldanha

Research Associate, University of Oslo, Norway

Expertise: Research methodologies, translation stylistics, artistic features of translation, reception of translation, gender identity and translation, corpus-based studies

Dr Gabriela Saldanha is a researcher at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) where she works on the development of the Oslo Medical Corpus and the Medicalisation of Democratic Rights in the debate about Abortion (MEDRA) project. She is Project Manager for the Erasmus+ Partnership for Cooperation in Higher Education, Debating Democracy. Gabriela’s research aims to explain how language shapes our knowledge of the world and how it can both restrict, challenge, and expand the work of the imagination as a social process. She has experience in corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and artistic research and have a particular interest in the power of research methodologies to reveal, construct and limit our knowledge(s) and imagination.


Dr Rafael Y. Schögler

Associate Professor in Translation Studies, University of Graz, Austria

Expertise: Cultural and sociological approaches to translation, knowledge translation, translation policy, translation history

Rafael Schögler is Associate Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Graz, Austria. He studied translation studies (habilitation) and sociology (doctorate) and has spent time as a visiting researcher at both CenTras, London and CTIS, Manchester. His research deals with divergent aspects of knowledge translation ranging from questions of internationalization to the politics of book translation. In this context he published the edited volume Circulation of Academic Thought. Rethinking Translation in the Academic Field (2019) as well as the open access monograph Die Politik der Buchübersetzung. Entwicklungslinien in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften nach 1945 (2023). Currently, he is also involved in the project Towards a Cosmovision Turn. Challenging Basic Translation Theories that deals with translation in indigenous communities and its links to the development of translation theories in the context of missionary work. Rafael Schögler is associate editor of the John Benjamins journal Translation in Society, author of several contributions in English, French and German as well as part of a research team working on the connections of history, translation and politics at the University of Graz. He is member of EST and IATIS.


Dr Tarek Shamma 

Professor in Translation Studies and Comparative Literature at Binghamton University, New York, USA.

Expertise: History of translation, literary translation, comparative literature

Tarek Shamma is professor at the Translation Research and Instruction Program and Comparative Literature Department and the Director of the Translation Research and Instruction Program (Binghamton University, New York, USA). He has taught at universities in Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. His research interests include translation and culture, history of translation, Arabic literature, and cultural representation. He is the author of Translation and the Manipulation of Difference: Arabic Literature in Nineteenth-Century England (St. Jerome/Routledge, 2009) and Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation (Routledge, 2022; also published in Arabic by Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Qatar).


Professor Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar

Professor of Translation Studies, Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey; course director of MA program in Translation Studies, Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada

Expertise: translation history and historiography, translation sociology, retranslation, periodical studies

Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar is retired Professor of Translation Studies at the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies at Boğaziçi University and course director at the MA program in Translation Studies in Glendon College at York University. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies (Boğaziçi University) and an MA in Media Studies (Oslo University). She is the author of The Politics and Poetics of Translation in Turkey, 1923-1960 (Rodopi 2008, Turkish translation 2017) and two books on translation studies published in Turkish (Kapılar 2005, Çevirinin ABCsi 2011). She is the co-editor of Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, John Benjamins, 2015; Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods, Routledge 2019; Studies from a Retranslation Culture: The Turkish Context, Springer 2019; Negotiating Linguistic Plurality, Translation and Multilingualism and Beyond, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. Her current research examines translation and/in the periodical press. Tahir Gürçağlar is a member of the steering committee of the Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School (DOTTSS) and an ARTIS Associate.


Dr Marija Todorova

Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, and visiting faculty at the University American College Skopje.

Expertise: Interpreting and translating for refugees, translation and development, imagology and translation, multimedia translation, literature for children and young adults

Marija Todorova is the editor of Interpreter Training in Conflict and Post Conflict Scenarios (Routledge 2023, with Lucia Ruiz Rosendo) and Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework (Palgrave 2021, with Lucia Ruiz Rosendo). She is the guest-editor of a special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: Translation and Inclusive Development (2022, with Kobus Marais). Her research has appeared in The Translator, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Linguistica Antverpiensia, Translation Spaces, and numerous edited collections, including the Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practice (2021). She serves as editor of New Voices in Translation Studies and sits on the Editorial Board of Hieronimus journal at University of Zagreb. She holds a PhD in English Language and Literature (HKBU, Hong Kong) and a PhD in Peace and Development Studies (UKIM, Skopje). She is an award-winning literary translator of more than 30 books from English into Macedonian. Prior to joining academia, she worked as interpreter for OSCE and UNHCR, as well as project manager for UNDP and DfID. She is Executive Council member of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS, 2011 – present) and Chair of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee (2020 – present). 


Dr Claire Tsai

Associate Professor, Department of English, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Expertise: Television news translation and interpreting

Claire Tsai is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. She received her MA in Translation and Interpretation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey in the United States and her PhD in Translation Studies at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. She had worked in the print and broadcast media field as a reporter and news translator in Taiwan and the US for six years before entering academia. Her doctoral research concerned television news translation and how the representation of international news shapes the nature of intercultural communication. She is also winner of the first Snell Fellowship in Translation Studies, supported by Professor Mary Snell-Hornby. She has published articles on translation and journalism in various journals, including Meta, Perspectives and Languages and Intercultural Communication. Her research interests centre on TV news translation, journalism studies, interpreting and subtitling. Selected publications include ‘Reframing Humor in TV News Translation’ (Perspectives 2015), ‘Television News Translation in the Era of Market-driven Journalism’ (Meta 2012) and ‘News Translator as Reporter’ (in Political Discourse, Media and Translation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2010).


Dr Akiko Uchiyama

Lecturer in Translation Studies, The University of Queensland, Australia

Expertise: Literary translation, gender in translation, postcolonial translation studies, the cultural history of translation in Japan

Akiko Uchiyama is a Lecturer in the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland, where she coordinates the Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting (MATI) program. She has research interests in literary translation, modern and contemporary Japanese literature, gender in translation, postcolonial translation studies, and the cultural history of translation in Japan. Her recent publications include ‘Shinseinen no bungaku-teki tenkai: Morishita Uson to ‘tantei shōsetsu’ no hon’yaku’ (Literary Development in Shinseinen: Morishita Uson’s Translation of Detective Novels) in Hon’yaku to bungaku (2021) and ‘The Politics of Translation in Meiji Japan’ in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics (2018). She co-edited the collections Diverse Voices in Translation Studies in East Asia (2019) and Border-Crossing Japanese Literature: Reading Mutiplicity (2023).


Professor Binhua Wang

Chair/Professor of Interpreting and Translation Studies/Director of MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Expertise: Conference interpreting and interpreter training

Prof. Binhua Wang is Chair/Professor of interpreting and translation studies at University of Leeds in the UK, where he served as Director of the Centre for Translation Studies and Programme Manager of the MA programmes in interpreting. He is a Fellow of the “Chartered Institute of Linguists” (CIoL) and sits on the Executive Committee of the UK “University Council of Modern Languages” (UCML) and the Interpreters Committee of the Translators Association of China. His research interests focus on interpreting and translation studies, with interdisciplinary extension to digital humanities, cognitive research process about bilingual processing, language education studies, intercultural communication studies and translated literature studies, in which he has published many research articles in world leading SSCI/A&HCI/CSSCI journals and in edited volumes published by Routledge, John Benjamins, Springer, Bloomsbury, Brill and Palgrave. He has been mentioned by some scientometric studies as one of the most prolific authors in Chinese interpreting and translation studies. His recent articles have appeared in Perspectives, Babel, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Translation Review, Translation Spaces, Language and Intercultural Communication, Chinese Translators Journal and in The Routledge Handbook of Conference Interpreting and The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis. His monographs include New Orientations in Interpreting Studies and Education (Routledge, forthcoming), Theorising Interpreting Studies (2019) and A Descriptive Study of Norms in Interpreting (2013). He has edited with Prof Jeremy Munday Advances in Discourse Analysis of Translation and Interpreting (Routledge) and guest edited themed special issues for some top international journals such as Perspectives, Frontiers in Communication, and Asia-Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies. He also co-translated Introducing Interpreting Studies into Chinese (Pöchhacker, 2010). His textbooks for interpreter training are used widely in China’s MTI and BTI programmes. He serves as the co-editor of Interpreting and Society. An Interdisciplinary Journal, chief editor of Int’l Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting and on the editorial boards of Babel. International Journal of Translation (SSCI/A&HCI), The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (SSCI), Forum: International Journal of Interpretation and Translation (ESCI), Chinese Translators Journal (CSSCI), Foreign Language Teaching & Research (CSSCI), Translation Quarterly (journal of The Hong Kong Translation Society), Corpus-based Studies across Humanities (De Gruyter), Translation Today (National Translation Mission, India), etc. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches to over 20 international conferences and to give guest talks in many universities in China mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, U.S., Canada, U.K. and European continent.


Professor Mingjian Zha

Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), China

Expertise: Comparative literature theories, World literature, Sino-foreign literary relationship studies, Thematology studies, Translated Literature studies

Zha Mingjian is Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies at the School of English Studies and Director of the Institute of Comparative Literature, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Associate editor-in-chief of Comparative Literature in China, Fulbright senior research scholar (Harvard University, 2006-2007), Vice president of China English Language Education Association, and Vice president of Shanghai International Studies Association. His main research interests are comparative literature, translation studies and humanities education. His main publications include A History of Translated Literature in Modern China (2004), A History of Foreign Literature Translation in 20th Century China (2007) and Professor ZHA Mingjian’s Selected Essays on Comparative Literature and Translation Studies (2014). His main Chinese translations include Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction (2014) and What Is World Literature (2015). He has also published more than 70 journal articles on comparative literature and translation studies.


Professor Federico Zanettin 

Professor of English Language and Translation, Department of Political Sciences, University of Perugia, Italy

Expertise: Corpus-based translation studies, comics translation, news translation, conversation analysis, Italian

Federico Zanettin is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Perugia, Italy. His research interests range from comics in translation, to corpus-based translation studies, news translation and intercultural communication. He is the author of News Media Translation (Cambridge University Press, 2021), Translation-driven Corpora. Corpus Resources for Descriptive and Applied Translation Studies (St. Jerome 2012), editor of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology (Routledge 2022, with Chris Rundle), New Directions in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Language Science Press 2015, with Claudio Fantinuoli), Comics in Translation (St Jerome 2008) and Corpora in Translator Education (St. Jerome 2003, with Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart), and has published articles in several journals and edited volumes. He is co-editor of the journal inTRAlinea and serves on the advisory board of The Translator, Translang, Transletters and Entreculturas.


Dr Jitka Zehnalová

Assistant Professor in the Department of English and American Studies, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Expertise: Translation quality assessment, Critical Discourse Studies, sociological approaches, intercultural communication

Jitka Zehnalová earned her master’s degree in English and German and her PhD degree in English language from Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. In 1998, she joined the Department of English and American Studies as an assistant professor, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in translation studies and stylistics. Over the course of her career at this Department, she participated in implementing the BA and MA study programmes in English for Interpreting and Translation, served as an organization committee member of the TIFO (Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc) international conference, and as a co-editor of the Olomouc Modern Language Series publications. She has published in the fields of translation quality assessment and literary translation.


Professor Junfeng Zhang 

Professor of Translation Studies in the School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China

Expertise:Translation of diplomatic and political discourse. pragmatics. teaching translation and translation teaching. metaphor studies

Junfeng Zhang received his PhD in translation studies from the City University of Hong Kong and is Professor of Translation Studies and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He was a recipient of the Fulbright Graduate Fellowship (2000) and Endeavour Research Fellowship (2009). He has published a monograph (Interpersonal Prominence and International Presence) with Cambridge Scholars Publishing and two textbooks with Chongqing University Press and China Radio and Television Press. His articles have appeared in the Chinese Translator’s Journal, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer and Meta. He is on the editorial board of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts. His main research interests include translation studies, discourse analysis, and metaphor studies. His research projects received grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.