Professor Martha Pui Yiu Cheung’s Publications

Major Works

2016. An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation, Volume Two: From the Late Twelfth Century to 1800. Compiled, with annotations and commentary, trans. in part; posthumously edited by Robert Neather, with the assistance of Theo Hermans and Yau Wai-Ping. London and New York: Routledge, 228 pages.

2012.《傳統與現代之間:中國譯學研究新途徑》(Mediating between Tradition and Modernity: New Approaches for Chinese Translation Studies), Changsha: Hunan Peoples’ Publishing House, 247 pages.

2009. Guest editor, edited with introduction, Special Issue, The Translator, ‘Chinese Discourses on Translation: Positions and Perspectives’, Vol. 15, No. 2, 236 pages.

2006. An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation, Volume One: From Earliest Times to the Buddhist Project. Edited with introduction, annotations and commentary, trans. in part. Manchester: St Jerome, xxix + 268 pages.


Books (Translations)

2004. Editor-in-Chief of English translation, trans. in part, with Epilogue. An Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica, Hong Kong: School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU, 532 pages.

2002. Edited with introduction, trans. in part. Travelling with a Bitter Melon – Selected Poems (1973-1998) by Leung Ping-kwan. Hong Kong: Asia 2000, 352 pages.

1998. Edited with introduction, trans. in part. Hong Kong Collage: Contemporary Stories and Writing. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China) Ltd, xiii + 250 pages.

1998. Editor-in-Chief of Chinese translation.《牛津少年百科全書》(Oxford Children’s Encyclopedia, revised edition, 1996, Volumes 1-9.) Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, volumes 1-9, 1,600 pages.

1997 (in collaboration with Jane Lai). Edited with introduction, trans. in part. An Oxford Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., xxvi + 873 pages.

1997. Trans. (with Jane Lai). 100 Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts (with Glossary of Zen Buddhist terms). Hong Kong: Commercial Press, xxix + 366 pages.

1997. Trans. Foodscape (a collection of poems by Leung Ping-kwan  梁秉鈞 and photos by Lee Ka-sing 李家昇). Hong Kong: The Original Photograph Ltd., 20 pages.

1993. Trans. with Introduction. Blue Sky Green Sea and Other Stories. By Liu Sola (劉索拉). Hong Kong: Renditions Paperbacks, xxv + 150 pages.

1992. Trans. with Introduction. Homecoming? And Other Stories. By Han Shaogong (韓少功). Hong Kong: Renditions paperbacks, xxi + 161 pages.

Editorial Work

2010. Series Editor. “Jane Lai Drama Translation Series” (「黎翠珍劇本翻譯系列(粵語演出本)」, a total of 3 plays translated into Cantonese by Jane Lai), Hong Kong: Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University, & International Association of Theatre Critics (HK).

  • 姊妹仨 (Three Sisters)
  • 奧德羅 (Othello)
  •  對住你  對唔住你 (Betrayal)

2006. Series Editor. “Jane Lai Drama Translation Series” (「黎翠珍劇本翻譯系列(粵語演出本)」, a total of 9 plays translated into Cantonese by Jane Lai), Hong Kong: Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University, & International Association of Theatre Critics (HK).

  • 真相 (The Collection)
  • 羅生門 (Rashomon)
  • 炙簷之上 (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
  • 長橋遠望 (A View from the Bridge)
  • 大團圓 (Happy End)
  • 動物園的故事 (The Zoo Story)
  • 生殺之權 (Whose Life Is It Anyway?)
  • 侍婢 (Les Bonnes)
  • 邊個怕維珍尼亞吳爾夫? (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)

2005. Series Editor. “Jane Lai Drama Translation Series” (「黎翠珍劇本翻譯系列(粵語演出本)」, a total of 9 plays translated into Cantonese by Jane Lai), Hong Kong: Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University, & International Association of Theatre Critics (HK).

  • 搖搖一生 (Rockaby)
  • 李爾王 (King Lear)
  • 雨後彩虹 (Look for the Rainbow)
  • 神火 (Deadly Ecstasy)
  • 難得糊塗 (The Comedy of Errors)
  • 伊狄帕斯王 (Oedipus Rex)
  • 畫廊之後 (After Magritte)
  • 長路漫漫入夜深 (Long Day’s Journey into Night)
  • 深閨怨 (The House of Bernarda Alba) , 2000 – 2002

2000-2002. Editor. English abstracts and titles, Chinese Translators Journal《中國翻譯》(Beijing: Translators’ Association of China)

Refereed Journal Papers & Book Chapters (from 2006, including posthumous publications)

2014. “Chinese Discourse on Translation as Intercultural Communication: The Story of jihe (幾何)”, Translation: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Ed. Juliane House. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2014. “Translation as Intercultural Communication: Views from the Chinese Discourse on Translation”, Companion to Translation Studies. Eds. Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter. Wiley-Blackwell, 179-190.

2013.  “Academic Naval-gazing? Playing the Game Up Front? – Pages from the Notebook of a Translation Anthologist”, Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th centuries). Eds. Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 75-88.

2012. “從二元對立到相反相濟: 談翻譯史研究的關鍵問題與太極推手的翻譯史 研究路向” (From Binary Opposites to Opposites in Unison: Key Issues in Research on Translation History and the Pushing-hands (tuishou) Approach to Translation History),  李奭學編,  「中國翻譯史專輯(下)」 (Special Issue on Translation History in China [Part II]), 《中國文哲研究通訊》(Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy), 第二十二卷第二期 (2012.06), 台灣:中央研究院,  頁21-40.

2012. “The Mediated Nature of Knowledge and the Pushing-hands Approach to Research on Translation History”, Translation Studies (Taylor & Francis), issue 5.2, Special issue “Rethinking Methods in Translation History”, 156-171.

2012. “Translation Activities in Hong Kong – 1842 to 1997” (entry# 284). Übersetzung: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung /Translation: An International Encyclopedia of Translation Studies /Traduction: Encyclopédie internationale de la recherche sur la traduction. Vol.3. Eds. Harald Kittel, Armin Paul Frank, Norbert Greiner, Theo Hermans, Werner Koller, José Lambert, Fritz Paul, et. al. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2195-2201.

2011. “Reconceptualizing Translation – Some Chinese Endeavours”, META: Journal des traducteurs issue 56(1): 1-19.

2011.  “文化政治與當代中國翻譯研究: 文革後的文化政治語境與中國大陸翻譯學有關“中華性”的論爭”, 《翻譯與全球化研究》(Studies on Translation and Globalization). Ed. Guo Yangsheng. Beijing: Modern Education Press (北京:現 代教育出版社, 100-116.

2011. “The (Un)importance of Flagging Chineseness: Making Sense of a Recurrent Theme in Contemporary Chinese Discourses on Translation”, Translation Studies (Routledge), issue 4.1, 41-57.

2010.  “虛涵數意是翻譯:重讀翻譯在傳統譯論中的定義”, 《翻譯與跨文化交流:嬗變與解讀》(Translation and Intercultural Communication: Progress and Interpretation)(第三屆海峽“兩岸四地”翻譯與跨文化交流研討會論文集). Ed. Hu Gengshen. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Press (上海外语教育 出版社), 63-71.

2010.  “From Partial Modernization to Total Transformation: Translation and Activism in Late-Qing China” Compromiso Social y Traducción/Interpretación Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism. Eds. Boéri, Julie and Carol Maier. Granada: ECOS (the Association of Translators and Interpreters for Solidarity), 93-105.

2010. “Rethinking Activism: The Power and Dynamics of Translation in China during the Late Qing Period (1840-1911)”, Text and Context: Essays on Translation and Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason. Eds Baker, Mona, Maeve Olohan and María Calzada Pérez. Manchester: St. Jerome, 237-258.

2009. “Representation, Intervention and Mediation: A Translation Anthologist’s Reflections on the Complexities of Translating China.” Translating China. Eds. Luo Xuanmin and He Yuanjian. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 171-188.

2009.  “Introduction. Chinese Discourses on Translation. Positions and Perspectives”, The Translator. Special Issue. Chinese Discourses on Translation, Vol.15, No.2, 223-278.

2009. “錢鐘書對翻譯概念的闡釋及其對翻譯研究的啟示”, 《中國翻譯》(Chinese Translators Journal). No.5, 27-32.

2009. “Empowerment and Total Mobilization: Principles underlying the Selection of Teaching Materials for a BA Programme in Translation and the Use of These Materials” (感官功能的運用及完全調動:本科翻譯課程教學材料的選用原則), East Journal of Translation《東方翻譯》2009(1), 45-53.

2008. “重讀傳統譯論──目的與課題”,《中國翻譯》(Chinese Translators Journal). No.6, 5-10.

2007. “從「軟實力」的角度自我剖析《中國翻譯話語英譯選集上冊:從最早期到佛典翻譯》的選、譯、評、注”, 《中國翻譯》(Chinese Translators Journal). No.6, 36-41.

2007. “On Thick Translation as a Mode of Cultural Representation.” Across Boundaries: International Perspectives on Translation Studies. Eds Dorothy Kenny and Kyongjoo Ryou. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 22-37.

2007. “譯得豐實厚重?譯得笨鈍臃腫?翻譯與文化再現的幾點思考”,《當代》(Dandai) (Taiwan), 234 (May 2007): 70-83.

2006. “‘To Translate’ Means ‘To Exchange’? A New Interpretation of the Earliest Chinese Attempts to Define Translation (‘fanyi’).” Target, 17:1(2005) (published in April 2006), 27-48. (Also collected in Translation Studies (Vol.1). Ed. Mona Baker. New York: Routledge, July 2009, 61-80.)

2004. “对中国译学理论建设的几点建议” [A Few Suggestions for the Development of Theoretical Discourse on Translation], 中国翻译 [Chinese Translators Journal], 25(5), 3-9.

2003. “从话语的角度重读魏易与林好合译的《黑奴吁天录》” [Translation as Discourse: a Re-reading of Wei Yi and Lin Shu’s Chinese Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin], 中国翻译 [Chinese Translators Journal], 24(2), 15-20.

2003. “西方主義的話語?-《黑奴籲天錄》個案研究” [The Discourse of Occidentalism? A Case Study of Wei Yi and Lin Shu’s Translation of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin], 中外文學, [Chung Wai Literary Quarterly], 32(3), 141-166. A revision of 1998 article published in Translation and Creation: readings of Western literature in early modern China (1998). Ed. by David Pollard.

2003. “From ‘theory’ to ‘discourse’: the making of a translation anthology”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 66, 390-401, doi:10.1017/S0041977X03000272.

2002. “Power and Ideology in Translation Research in Twentieth-Century China: An analysis of Three Seminal Works”, Crosscultural Transgressions Research Models in Translation: v. 2: Historical and Ideological Issues. Ed. Theo Hermans, London and New York: Routledge, 144-164.

2000. “翻译活动在香港教育及社会演变中的角色”, 亚洲翻译传统与现代动向 [Translation in Asia: Past and Present]. Eds Eva Hung and Yang Cheng-shu. Peking University Press, 116-142.

1998. “Translation and power: A Hong Kong case study”, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 6(2), 259-274, DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.1998.9961340.

1998. “The Discourse of Occidentalism? Wei Yi and Lin Shu’s Treatment of Religious Material in Their Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin“. Translation and Creation: readings of Western literature in early modern China, Ed. David Pollard, John Benjamins, 127-150.


2011. “学术翻译环境亟待改善”, 中国社会科学报 (Newspaper), 20 December.