[New publication] Roberto A. Valdeón (ed.) Contemporary Approaches to Translation Theory and Practice

Contemporary Approaches to Translation Theory and Practice

Edited by Roberto A. Valdeón

About this book:

This book gathers together for the first time the editors of some of the most prestigious Translation Studies journals, and serves as a showcase of the academic and geographical diversity of the discipline. The collection includes a discussion on the intralinguistic translation of Romeo and Juliet; thoughts on the concepts of adaptation, imitation and pastiche with regards to Japanese manga; reflections on the status of the source and target texts; a study on the translation and circulation of Inuit-Canadian literature; and a discussion on the role of translation in Latin America. It also contains two chapters on journalistic translation – linguistic approaches to English-Hungarian news translation, and a study of an independent news outlet; one chapter on court interpreting in the US and a final chapter on audio-description. The book was originally published as a special issue in 2017 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.

Table of Contents

Introduction: From translatology to studies in translation theory and practice

Roberto A. Valdeón

1. ‘He shall signify from time to time’. Romeo and Juliet in modern English

Dirk Delabastita

2. Imitation as translation: from Western theories of parody to Japanese postmodern pastiches

Leo Tak-hung Chan

3. De-sacralizing the origin(al) and the transnational future of Translation Studies

Brian James Baer

4. ‘Memory is so different now’: the translation and circulation of Inuit-Canadian literature in English and French

Valerie Henitiuk

5. Eurocentrism and Latin Americanism in Latin American translation history

Georges L. Bastin

6. Logical relations in translation: the case of Hungarian–English news translation

Krisztina Károly

7. Translation in new independent online media: the case of Mediapart

María José Hernández Guerrero

8. Equal access to the courts in translation: a corpus-driven study on translation shifts in waivers of counsel

Christopher D. Mellinger

9. Audio-describing visual filmic allusions

Katrien Lievois and Aline Remael